Guaranteed Housing?

<p>Is on-campus housing guaranteed for all class years if the housing request and payment is made prior to the “guaranteed housing date”?</p>

<p>How difficult is it to get on-campus housing for the freshman year and subsequent years?</p>

<p>It appears that only about 20% of the students live on campus. Is this a matter of student choice or a matter of limited on-campus housing?</p>

<p>Thank you for any insights that can be given on the availability of housing at U of A.</p>

<p>I asked my friend who lived in housing her freshman and sophomore year. The only people guaranteed housing are freshmen who apply before March 1. If a student wishes to stay in campus housing his 2nd year, then he has to reapply. Res Life puts out this information prior to registration sophomore year and 2nd year students have more control as to what dorms, rooms, and roommates they choose. Junior and seniors typically choose not to live on campus. Hope this info helps.</p>

<p>However, from everyone I talked to, it isn't impossible to get into housing even after the deadline. One of my friends applied late June/early July and got into her top choice.</p>