Guaranteed Transfer to University of Michigan?

In my rejection, It was mentioned that I would be able to enter LSA as a junior, after completing 55 credits with a 3.5+ GPA at UM-Flint or UM-Dearborn (conditional guarantee). They don’t have any info on their website about it, Anyone else receive this decision and are you going to go through with it? I have 30ish college credits already from AP and DE, could I use those and transfer after one year?

Is it worth it? other option would probably be going to MSU or WMU for “college experience” then transferring. transfer acceptance rate is pretty high (40+%)esp for instate, but how risky would it be giving up the guarantee?

Also, any thoughts why I received this instead of a hard rejection or waitlist even with stats below their average? (3.53UW, 4.0W with some Cs and Bs, 1430, only thing I had going for me was residence, course rigor, and ECs)

IS, econ major

Can you please repost the entire letter? Would be good to read everything in context.

After an individualized and comprehensive review of your application to the University of Michigan, we regret that we are not able to offer you a place in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for fall 2023. I would like to assure you that your application was reviewed very carefully and given every possible consideration.

We took into account the strength and quality of your academic achievement and preparation indicated by your secondary school transcript, your scores on standardized tests if submitted, and your high school teacher and counselor recommendations. We also considered such aspects as personal characteristics and attributes, as well as your written responses to the short answer and essay questions.

Although we are unable to offer admission at this time, we would like to extend to you an opportunity to consider our UM-Dearborn or UM-Flint campus with a conditional guaranteed transfer to the UM-Ann Arbor campus at the junior level. This transfer guarantee is only offered to select students who are admitted and enroll at UM-Dearborn or UM-Flint and complete 55+ transferable credits with a 3.5 or higher GPA. This transfer guarantee would permit you entry to the UM-Ann Arbor College of Literature, Science, and the Arts to complete your undergraduate degree. Students interested in transferring into another school or college would not have a guaranteed path and instead would follow our [traditional transfer process].

Many of the students currently on the UM-Ann Arbor campus entered as transfer students. Starting your educational career at UM-Dearborn or UM-Flint will provide you with the many benefits of becoming a Michigan Wolverine, while creating a pathway for you to transfer and complete your degree at UM-Ann Arbor, if you choose. Your desire to join the Michigan family can be a reality.

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Thank you for posting. There appears to be a bit missing…“instead would follow our”. What is the remaining part of that sentence?

I apologize, I deleted the text containing the hyperlink.

Students interested in transferring into another school or college would not have a guaranteed path and instead would follow our traditional transfer process

So this seems new for this year. I would directly talk to Michigan transfer department. They are very very picky on what classes actually transfer over from other universities. If you don’t go this route make sure your classes transfer cleanly otherwise you will be taking those over. Math /science they are picky about. They are nice people so just ask for guidance.

This seems like a pretty nice deal. They tell you upfront what GPA is needed. And they use the words “guarantee”. Cornell University has a similar program. During upperclass years, many students take a semester abroad, or time off. So this helps fill the gap to keep revenue flowing.

The one clarification I would want is whether the 55+ hours need to be post high school. In other words, will your AP or dual enrollment classes count to that total or do you need 55 hours in addition to those. What are your other acceptances? I would not think that offer would be very desirable, unless you were in state for Michigan.