<p>Here is your chance...</p>
<p>you mean the mandatory math question?</p>
<p>I am guessing that the first question will have something to do with equillibrium... Go figure...</p>
<p>lol this is stupid</p>
<p>no kidding.. the first one is always equilibrium, which kind?</p>
<p>Acid-Base :O</p>
<p>ok its gonna take 4 people to put in their guesses for #1 and we will basically know which 4 topics it gonna be</p>
<p>electrochem of course.
Maybe titration?</p>
<p>Yeah my teacher is predicting titration</p>
<p>EWWWW I hate titration. and incidentally, i also suck at it. <em>scurries off to study titration</em></p>
<p>How about some other predictions? Lab, etc?</p>
<p>lab, my teacher is predicting one of the q=mc(delta)T (I forget the name of those right now...)</p>
<p>Titration! We just learned about it today in our normal chemistry class! This is sorta cool. All of these possible FRs for random AP tests are being discussed in my classes..first environmental science, now chem. :p</p>
<p>You mean calorimetry..</p>
<p>I hope so</p>
<p>I hated the 2003 FR about Beer's law. (Which we did a lab for, but I don't remember)</p>
<p>Anyways, an easy equilirbium/electro/rate law problem for 1 and 2, easy reactions for 4, and decent questions for 5-7 please!!!</p>
<p>I hope MC is easy as well... </p>
<p>good luck to everyone</p>