Guess Where I got In?!?!?!

<p>Decided that I would try to lighten the mood by seeing who can figure out where I got in. All of my decisions have come so I will list my stats and each collee I applied to and you guess the decision for each. I copied my stats straight out of my old chance thread and updated it where need be. Answer each college with Accepted, Waitlisted or Denied. Props to the person who also guesses where I am going. Also please don't check the individual college section because most of my decisions are there and if you have then don't post or just guess which ones you havn't seen. Thanks and here we go...</p>

Location: North Carolina
Ethnicity: African American
Gender: Male
School Type: Private, well respected school among top 30. Most students want UNC so don't apply to Ivy's. However the few who have, have been successful.
Major: Will put next to each college</p>

GPA: 3.3 UW, 3.50 W ( upward trend in GPA and Numerical Average/Grade)
SAT: 1370/2060 (720 math, 650 critical reading, 690 writing)
ACT:29 Composite
APs (sending): Calc AB (4), US History (3), taking 4 more this year (Calc BC, Physics C, World History, Literature)
Courseload: Counselor has told me that I will be marked under most rigorous
No Class Rank or Percentile</p>

<p>Extracurriculars/Volunteer/Work Experience:
1. School Government Position which is elected by School Faculty (12)
2. School Admissions Shadowing Program (12)
3. Varsity Soccer (11-12)
4. JV Soccer (9-10)
5. Challenge Level Recreational Soccer (9-11)
6. EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) (9-12)
7. Stop Hunger Now Volunteer and Intern (11-12)
8. Church Acolyte (9-11)
9. Appalachian Service Project (9-12)</p>

<p>Also I have over 500 hours of Community Service. (all of which are very unique)</p>

Essays: Working hard on them
Teachers Recs: I expect them to be good
Guidance Counselor Rec: Very good Counselor who has mentioned many times how mature I have been in the process and how many times I visit to check on things. Hopefully this will transfer into recommendation</p>

I have a few school based ones but nothing that would really help in admissions.</p>

William and Mary (liberal arts school)
Georgia Tech (School of Computing)
Davidson (liberal arts school)
Elon (liberal arts school)
Purdue (Engineering)
NC State (Engineering as first choice, First year College Second)
UNC Charlotte (engineering)
UVA (Engineering) *legacy/both parents went to UVA</p>

<p>Good luck and I guarantee nobody gets it right.</p>

<p>you might as well just tell us and end the suspence</p>

<p>Where’s the fun in that? I will tell everybody eventually and give my explanation for why I got in and didn’t get in to certain places as to help others who are like me statistically.</p>

<p>in all except…

<p>whatever I guess people would rather just know so I’ll put it in the stick for decisions.</p>

<p>what so you mean in the stick?</p>

<p>I meant in the sticky thread for graduation seniors. My bad.</p>