Guess where these people got accepted!!

<p>Let's play a guessing game!... these stats are my friends' stat and there scores are pretty interesting.. (not so high SAT.. but impressive ECs)... It won't be fun if I just tell you where they got accepted.. so make a guess... and I will tell the answer later (A good way to see how accurate people in CC are in prediciting chances haha) :</p>

<p>Note: They all are International students</p>

<p>1) A girl, SAT1 = CR: 710 MA:750 WR: 680 SAT2 = MathL2: 800 World History:760 BioM: 780</p>

<pre><code>Ecs: Several national math and science awards..

Major Applied: Undecided
Schools Applied: Columbia, Duke, Havard, Northwestern, Princeton, Stanford,U Chicago, U penn, Williams

<p>2) A guy, SAT1 = CR: 630 MA:800 WR: 650 SAT2 = MathL2: 800 Chemistry:800 Physics: 800</p>

<pre><code>Ecs: IOI bronze medal in 10th grade, USAMO qualifier

Major Applied: Engineering
Schools Applied: Brown, CMU, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, U penn

<p>3) A guy, SAT1 = CR: 590 MA:800 WR: 600 SAT2 = MathL2: 800 Chemistry:800 Math L1: 800
Ecs: IMO Gold medal (12th grade), Silver Medal (11th grade)</p>

<pre><code>Major Applied: Mathematics/Computer Science
Schools Applied:Brown, CMU, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Princeton, U penn

<p>4) A guy, SAT1 = CR: 570 MA:800 WR: 590 SAT2 = MathL2: 800 Physics:800 Chemistry: 720
Ecs: IMO Bronze medal</p>

<p>Major Applied:Mechanical Engineering
Schools Applied: CMU, Duke, MIT, Stanford, Northwestern, U penn, Cornell</p>

<p>5) A guy, SAT1 = CR: 510 MA:800 WR: 590 SAT2 = MathL2: 800 Physics:790 Chemistry: 790
Ecs: Several National science awards</p>

<p>Major Applied: Electrical Engineering
Schools Applied: CMU, Cornell, Stanford, Columbia, U of Michigan, U of Illinois</p>

<p>Rule: put answer in the following format, that person number , follow by schools that he/she got accepted.. eg .. 10) Brown Cornell MIT</p>

<p>Edit note: Sorry, in the beginning there was some problem in posting.. so I didnt finish typing when it first posted..</p>


<p>this is dumb.... you have to give a mixed list to choose from and then ask people to predict lol.... or this game will go on forever</p>

<p>mit and cornell for those who applied, stupid guess, but i don't think any of them got into the other schools like H and S because their sats are too far apart</p>

the IMO guys
are they canadians?</p>

<p>just curious cuz it looks familiar

<p>how about you just tell us?</p>

<p>It wont be fun ... and I just want to see how accurate you guys can predict :P.. haha... to yihan.zhu ... nope those IMO guys are Asians</p>

<p>I have no clue where they were accepted but they all seem pretty nerdish to me :x</p>

<p>I guess these people have never heard of safety schools. Or did they just refuse to apply to 'average' schools?</p>

<p>3)CMU, Cornell, Princeton</p>


<p>i know several IMO guys who are
1 asians
2 with similar stats
3 applied this year too</p>


<p>they are canadians XD</p>