<p>So my friend got a 2400 and since he's refused to post a guide on CC, I'm going to tell you all I know how he did it.</p>
<p>In the summer between sophomore and junior year, he casually studied with a tutor from an unreputable company that has now run out of business. Ivy Insiders bro. It was the tutor's first time tutoring for SATs, but he had a 2320 and was from Yale. I had the same tutor and I question his competency.
Note - my friend did not study vocab, calling it completely useless.
Vocab is for chumps, right?</p>
<p>He did not study for a long period of time after that though.<br>
He took the January SAT, which was wonderfully scheduled during our midterms.<br>
He told me he didn't plan to study.
Well, we had two back-to-back snowdays (DOUBLE SNOWDAY ALL THE WAY!) on Thursday and Friday, so he decided to study. Again, no vocab.
He took 4 practice tests in the Blue Book, the first three were low 2300s, and the last one was a 2400.</p>
<p>He took the SAT the next day and got a 2400 with an 11 essay.</p>
<p>There you go, the ultimate SAT 2400 guide.</p>
<p>Note that this kid also got an 800 in SAT subject World History AND US History without studying, and an 800 in SAT subject Chemistry with cram studying the night before. </p>
<p>Now I have one question for you:
You mad bro?</p>
<p>Saying my friend is better than you at the SAT is like saying my dad could beat up your cat.</p>
<p>You clearly are incompetent at analogies. Lucky for you, Collegeboard removed those back in '05.</p>
<p>Nah bro, I just wanted the opinion of those who study endlessly for the SATs and never get close to teh 2400.</p>
<p>practice tests & private tutor = studying. did I miss something?</p>
<p>and man, this really taps into my inferiority complex! ego down, ego down! I really don’t know what to do with myself after reading this. Really.</p>
<p>Is that the totally sincere response you were looking for?</p>
<p>Sure, go ahead and hide your anguish in your sarcasm. I see through it.</p>
<p>Right, let’s say this kid studied (including that stuff) for about 20 hours. Most people who get 2400s, or try at least, spend hundreds. Average CCer easily spends about 20 hrs probably.</p>
<p>I hear that. But most of the 20 hours comes from self-administered practice tests, right? That was at least the case for me. A lot of people also don’t have the rich parents, the private school, or the 1000 dollar prep class either.</p>
<p>as for the anguish comment, I thought about countering with some snide remark but decided against it. Sure, i’m envious, as anyone should be of a perfect score. But i’m not jealous… and I’m not exactly gonna lose some sleep over it, broseph… :)</p>
<p>Yes it did. And I find self studying 10x better, I don’t think school/classes help at all - that goes for all types of learning.</p>
<p>You decided against it because you know it’s the truth. Can’t effectively counterattack the truth. You are losing sleep over it though! I’ll take the liberty of assuming you’re an east coaster, so it’s already past 2 am and you’re post me. Trust me, you’ll start losing sleep over it. Denial is the first step.</p>
<p>Nah, west coast brah. I’ve gone to sleep around 5 pretty much every day this week, but what do I know, right? You seem to know more about me than I do!</p>
<p>I like how mad I got you, though
It’s charming how you did that whole arrogant “You can’t handle the truth” bit there. You should do stand-up or something, I’d go to see it. Now this aside, I can’t really tell what compelled you to post about* someone else’s* score to elevate you on your high horse. What about your score? You’re like the guy who uses his friends stories at parties for lack of any interesting personal experience… Smh, brah!</p>
<p>And now, since you’re omniscient and seemingly clairvoyant, I’m going to go cry myself to sleep for a few hours. You’ve really hurt my feelings, dude! You know just how to get under someone’s skin! But that’s part of the omniscient complex you’ve got going on, right?</p>
<p>I’m not mad. I got a 35 ACT with barely any studying after getting doing mediocrely on the first two tries. I’m content bro</p>
<p>My friend got a 2350 by doing 1 practice test.</p>
<p>Wow you are lame. The analogy comeback… Wow, just leave.</p>
<p>My friend didn’t know he was taking the SAT until the morning of, when his parents woke him up. He got a 2400. Current freshman at Cambridge. </p>
<p>Can you even think about going to sleep tonight?</p>
<p>Wait a second. To everybody in the thread, how many 2400s do you actually know? Not just 2370s, but actual perfect scorers. People seem to have this misconception that 2400s studied their asses off, cramming in thousands of vocab words and spending months with top private tutors. How many 2400s do you actually know that spent their lives studying for their score?</p>
<p>Studying isn’t going to perfect your grammar and writing. Studying won’t magically give you mathematical intuition. What the hell do you have to study that takes even 20 hours? </p>
<p>Go talk to people and see what they scored. You’re not going to find many scores that surprise you. Taking practice tests doesn’t improve your scores. It’s not like the questions you see are going to be on the actual exam. The only similarities are in the styles and layout of the questions and test, which you can get a much better feel for if you just go and take an actual exam. </p>
<p>The OP is right. A good night’s sleep and some cereal in the morning are all the studying that a 2400 really needs.</p>
<p>I will say that practice tests didn’t hurt one bit. As the above poster said, they will never show up on the real SAT (imagine CB cancelling an entire administration’s tests for that kind of mishap), but practice tests were very helpful when it came to testing/refining techniques.</p>
<p>And that’s coming from a first-time 2400 (December 2010).</p>
<p>Practice makes perfect, but since no one is perfect, there is no point in practicing.</p>
<p>Wow so many 2400s or high scoters huh. Wish I could get anything over 2300.</p>
<p>woah think you’re goin a little too far there…after all, ivy insiders delivers superior score improvements through individualized instruction, hands-on mentorship, and proven strategies. clearly must be legit</p>
<p>Blankpaint - They call me a magician. I will know more about you, your children, and your children’s children. Pfft, CC users and personal experience?! Don’t be ridiculous! Us CCers just study and whine about crapshoot admissions and affirmative action of course!</p>
<p>liv4physicz - you had TWO failures and didn’t jump off a bridge?! You need to go to Cornell, I heard Ithaca is Gorges.</p>
<p>SheepGetKilled - You’re incompetent at having friends. Get some competent 2400ers bro.</p>
<p>schoolisfun - Trust me, I don’t sleep anymore anyways.</p>
<p>Omicron - Yeah, this bro was a 2400. I also have another bro in my school with a 2370.
And as far as I know, all the CCers who post guides to their 2400s definitely studied their asses off. One guide in particular I remember, this bro took like 50 practice tests.
I think someone’s just a tad bitter because he didn’t make it into an Ivy League and had to go to a hick school in the south. Dip it up bro!
My friend stayed up talking to me until 3am the night before his SAT (I didn’t take the Jan date). </p>
<p>Less sleep = more success. Axiomatic.</p>
<p>314159265 - How do you remember your ridiculous username?</p>
<p>On a more serious note however, I am perfect, trust me.</p>
<p>LaPrincesa - Incompetency is tolerable.</p>
<p>Confucian - I’ve run out of typing energy, so… you suck.</p>