<p>Hey, this guy from my school applied ED to UVA, Georgetown, and UPenn. He got into UVA so far. </p>
<p>So just wondering, what are the chances of him getting caught?</p>
<p>Hey, this guy from my school applied ED to UVA, Georgetown, and UPenn. He got into UVA so far. </p>
<p>So just wondering, what are the chances of him getting caught?</p>
<p>Haha, what a douche! Well, the chances of him getting caught are 100% if he gets into Penn, because he will have to turn one of them down since they're both binding. If he gets into Georgetown but not Penn, Georgetown is only Early Action, so I don't know.</p>
<p>I hope he does get caught. He sounds like a world class a**hole. What he is doing is morally wrong and would be a violation of UVA's honor code.</p>
<p>"What he is doing is morally wrong and would be a violation of UVA's honor code"</p>
<p>yes dude. if he gets caught by UVA, he's expelled immediately.</p>
<p>i wanna punch him in the crotch.</p>
<p>How did his admissions counselor let him to that?</p>
<p>he's so stupid... if he gets into all those schools, more than likely he cant goto any of them LMFAO</p>
<p>Georgetown's policy is that if you ED to other schools, you can't EA there.</p>
<p>The right and honorable thing would be to contact UVA, let them know that he violated the pledge he made and make room for someone else who will respect the Honor Code. As for Georgetown and Penn, he might start praying that they reject him.</p>
<p>Our counselors probably didn't know. He may have just told them its for regular decision and gave them the stuff early. The only thing that really ****es me off is that he'll probably not get caught--- he'll probably just withdraw from GT and UPenn right now and they'll never find out. Yeah, I wanna kick him in the crotch as well.</p>
<p>zhonggong, write a letter to Uva and explain to situation. i dont think he has withdrawn from upenn and gtown, people like him are cheating to get into the best school possible......so he's likely to wait for upenn's decision.</p>
<p>in Uva's early decision, he signed contract to obey the honor code but violated the honor code at the same time. and now he took the spot of someone who might be an honest person........that person is probably lamenting over why he/she got deferred. therefore, you should write a letter or email and inform UVa of the incident, tell UVa admission office his name, high school.....everything u know about him. UVA WILL CONTACT both upenn and gtown to make sure. then, you'll be someone's hero!!!! and UVa is NOT gonna tell anyone about you, your identity WILL be protected. it;'s a couragous thing to do. do it.</p>
<p>wow please get him out of there so i can go to virginia haha</p>
<p>Agreed, get that kid out.</p>
<p>Yeah, I'd love nothing more than to see him screwed. But I wanna apply to UVA regular decision so I don't wanna show a loser mentality. Plus, that guy's batantly bragging around the school (that's how I know) so maybe some other ticked off classmate will rat him out. As for me, I'm Chinese and that guy's Korean. I don't want to make the impression of competitve Asian kids intriguing against each other--- coz based on personal experience, a lot of Asians try to squeeze out each other. Hopefully some white guy at school will send an e-mail and RUIN HIM!!! That's right, e-mail the adcom after Jan 15 and send him to NOVA!</p>
<p>70% he gets caught
that was pretty dumb but people do slip through the cracks... he is screwed if he does get caught though. i really hope he does. write them a letter and they will more than likely check into it</p>
<p>But if I get into a school better than UVA as well as UVA, I'll probably write to the adcom saying I'm declining the honorable spot because I don't wanna be in the same class with that scum.</p>
<p>People like you ruin everything that is great about UVA. Please don't apply to a place whose foundation of being: the honor system, you don't respect. No one wants you there.</p>
<p>totally agree with westbeach</p>
<p>agree with thrills and westbeach</p>
<p>I think what this guy did was morally wrong as well.. however i dont think an email to UVA is necessarily. There is no need to make yourself look malicious and it may not even be examined upon getting to UVA... it could be received by the wrong person....the truth will prevail.. and even if he does get rejected from both other schools... the liklihood of him continuing his behavior at the university is high and they wont put up with it there.</p>
<p>Wow, way to try and look smart yet make no sense at all. Using big words and spelling things wrong along with bad grammar is really annoying. Hope you're not going to my alma mater.</p>