<p>soo last year i applied to a program that goes on during the first week of the semester, and students with jobs higher up in the program are in charge of doing the interviews. while i was in a huge room with other applicants, the interviewers came around and introduced themselves and whatnot. well, this one guy that came around, ryan, seemed really cool and we had good bit in common although i only talked to him for like 2 mins. after that, everytime i'd see him on campus he knew my name and would say hey and now i never see him, but have realized that like him but have no idea of how to go abou letting him know since i dont actually know him all that well, well at all really, i just like what i hear/see of him. help???? i could find his number if i wanted to, but i dont wanna seem like a creeper lol</p>
<p>Facebook? You could just add him and mention how you never see him on campus and ask if he wants to go <em>insert something on your campus that people normally do.</em></p>
<p>Didn’t read your post but the title was enough. Go post your problems on some blog…maybe try facebook or myspace.
Do you really think the majority of CC knows how to deal with these “problems”. C’mon.</p>
<p>this is why facebook was invented, people</p>
<p>come on</p>
<p>You liking this guy is purely based on physical attraction. All I can say at this point is that it’s not going to go far, so do you really want to spend your time and energy on this guy that you barely know? Besides, I think the guy should always pursue the girl and not the other way around. But if you really think he’s a great guy, I guess you’ll have to Facebook, or just ask around about him =)</p>
<p>Add him on Facebook, send a message or wall post saying that you never see him and you wish you could, therefore you two should hang out. Invite him to lunch at a dorm, coffee, etc.</p>
<p>Personally, I love it when girls initiate or chase, provided that they are attractive. Even if I don’t really find them appealing it’s still flattering. It takes the pressure off me, everything seems easier and more fun. Yeah, message him, maybe try to lead things towards meeting up. Then flirt your a-- off. Nothing wrong with that.</p>