guy shoes for all-weather

<p>Ok, please don't laugh. Because DS was homeschooled, he put very little wear and tear on his shoes and clothes. However, zipping around Yale campus in all kinds of weather has apparently chewed up his favorite pair of loafers (that have lasted all through Middle and High School). He doesn't like to wear sneakers (he has extra wide feet and sneakers are never wide enough to be comfortable). We tried to pick out some lightweight hiking type boots over the summer, but those were too narrow also.</p>

<p>Suggestions please! What do the well heeled Elis wear around campus? (that can take the "chubby rain" and sleet) (DS tends to dress prep)</p>

<p>How about Birkenstock clogs? My son lives in them all year. They’re super comfortable and durable, with surprisingly good support. They’re fine in cold weather, and they’ll withstand some water, but no good in snow (they’re open-backed). Hmm. Birkenstocks are definitely not preppy, but I’m not sure what shoes can be classified as preppy. Topsiders, maybe?</p>

<p>Keen shoes are great for wide feet–hubby wears a 3E and does fine in them. My son likes these:<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;. They are waterproof and very comfy.</p>

<p>DS has really wide feet, but has found New Balance sneakers with width 4E to be wide enough. New Balance even makes shoes in size 6E! It’s easiest to find really wide shoes online at places like shoebuy ([New</a> Balance Width 6E Mens Casual - Free Shipping & Return Shipping -](<a href=“]New”> or zappos ([mens</a> athletic , 6E, 7.5 - Search](<a href=“Mens athletic, 7.5, 6E + FREE SHIPPING |”>Mens athletic, 7.5, 6E + FREE SHIPPING | You can even search for hiking boots with a width of 4E or 5E on Good luck!</p>

<p>L.L. Bean rain/snow shoes were standard New Haven foul weather footwear in the Dark Ages and may still be. Lots of widths and the ultimate in prep. Don’t know if anybody else sells that distinctive style or if the prepsters still wear them. I will ask.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! And thanks for not laughing. Wisedad, the LL Bean hiking/snow/rain boot is exactly what DS took with him to campus, so I guess he should be all right. They were chosen for serious hiking/climbing so might be overkill, but I’m glad to hear they won’t seem out of place on campus. Yalemom, thx for pointing out the New Balance extra wide options. DS has very high arches combined with wide at the toe feet and has a lot of trouble getting a good fit even in wider sizes. Schmoomcgoo, thanks for the REI link; I’ll have DS take a look. wjb, topsiders were exactly what i had in mind, but i don’t know if anyone wears them anymore. DS gave me a sidelong look when i pointed them out in the shoe store.</p>