<p>Saroarah benches 450.</p>
<p>good night everybody I'll be on here at like 1 in the afternoon. :p I'll be asleep all b4 that.</p>
<p>lol okay, keep the wet dreams to a minimum pal, ;)</p>
<p>hah, 450? thats more than 4 times how much i weigh. i'd be like...a world record.</p>
<p>Psh. That's nothing. I bench 45*1*.</p>
<p>Leah, you don't insult sarorah. Like I've told others, "sarorah pwned" is gramatically incorrect. Don't make me get my body guards on you.</p>
<p>That wasn't an insult. </p>
<p>It was intimidation. And it worked..
(I could kill your body guards. And then I'd have bobert sex them for good measure..)</p>
<p>I don't think you could kill my body guards. And as far as I'm concerned . . . when Bobert stops being afraid of girls, he might have a chance. Anyone who tries to intimidate/insult, and they're immediately instructed to break their face into a million pieces. :)</p>
<p>besides, even if you could do that much . . you're not as fresh as I am.</p>
<p>Yeah, leah smells like fish.</p>
<p>My friends and I have decided that if my town had an official smell, it would be dead fish.</p>
<p>or cheese</p>
<p>yeah for reading books about boarding schools.</p>
<p>the cover of that book is cute.</p>
<p>omg, martha, you made an allusion. my english teacher would love you.</p>
<p>It not good if your taco smells like fish. I don't eat if thats the case.</p>
<p>You prefer to starve?</p>
<p>yeah, i actually bought that book because if the cover.</p>
<p>now i know why that is a bad thing.</p>
<p>my english teacher spent a whole class period one day explaining the difference between "illusion" and "allusion". Fun day. I drew pretty pictures on my notebook.</p>
<p>Maybe we have the same English teachers...cuz my English teacher did the same thing...and I still actually remember the difference.</p>
<p>It's not a hard thing to grasp.</p>
<p>It is if its very small.</p>
<p>I know...but there are stupid people in my English class.</p>
It is if its very small.
This you know from experience.</p>
<p>Yeah...it's rather sad. I had an IQ of 25 when I was in kindergarden.</p>