Guys, need help with showing I am a leader.

Hey everyone, I have another thread going simultaneously (which I hope you all check out and comment on) but I am wondering how to show that I have leadership skills.

So far, I have an idea that involves starting a club that tutors ESOL students in English, and provides conversational opportunities for ESOL students to practice their English in person with a native or fluent English speaker.

Would this just about do it?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I would say you’re pretty good, something else might not hurt. I don’t know if it’s too late in highschool for you but I would try doing a sport if you aren’t already a senior, maybe become a Captain? I was the captain of my football team and I’m currently my indoor track team captain. Dedication is big, even if you don’t have many leadership things, showing that you’re dedicated to ESOL is good, quality over quantity! Good luck!

If you have to show that you’re a leader by creating a last minute organization, you aren’t really a leader. The colleges will notice that.

Chance me:

Thanks for your opinion.

Green, thank you for your advice. I didn’t specify that I am a freshman at CC, not in high school. I plan to transfer. I think this EC is actually great, and I ran it by a few people who agreed. I’m going to stick to it. Thanks a ton, man.

No problem, good luck in the future!

Additionally, you should take any opportunity that comes your way and roll with it. This is the mindset of a leader

Thanks uclahopeful.