GW 2022 RD

hey all! As we’re reaching the final month, I though I ought to make a thread for the RD folks! If there’s been another general RD thread that I missed could someone link me to it?? Thanks and good luck to all!

Does anyone know when RD decisions should come out?

last year it was the 30th, but who knows for this year tbh

Yeah, I’m wondering if they might send out an email with an actual date now that it’s so close. Two other schools I applied to did, but I haven’t heard anything about GW doing that in the past

anyone know when it’ll come out now?

I’m pretty confident it will be the 23rd or 24th. The CSS profile says FA award information from GW will be available on the 24th.

Where/how can you tell that information from the CSS profile?

Ugh I got GW’s and American’s application deadlines mixed up, so I submitted my GW app 3 days late. Safe to say I don’t have high hopes

So does anybody know if the women in leadership program decision come out at the same time as admission decisions? The website was a little confusing

I think I read on an old forum from last year that they come out at the same time. try searching gw rd class of 2021 and browse through if anyone said it came out at the same time.

Can i get in with a 3.7 weighted and 30 act?

what time do decisions come out?

When do they come out ^?

Last year they came out at 5 pm on march 30th. Then two years ago it came out on the 29

Did anyone get a most likely letter from gw? They sent out most likely letters last year on the 16th.

What the hell is a most likely letter?

@bradygoatt I found this thread that explains it:

@jyp2pm1 it seems they release on the last Friday of March every year, last year being the 29th. (So likely came out two weeks before) This year it seems (not confirmed) March 30th is the date, so maybe likelys come out today, the 17th??? just a guess

if anyone gets a likely letter please tell us and say your stats if you dont mind

Do they mail or email likely letters? Doubt I’ll get one but I have something to look forward to! :slight_smile: