GW 2022 RD

So early writes / likely letters possibly come out today?

I know that Boston U and Northeastern both really upped their standards this year and were a lot more selective. I heard that part of it was due to an increase in applicants, but they’re also trying to move up in ranking. Does anyone know if GW’s doing the same?

All schools of that ilk try to move up in rankings @rosebudd21. Bragging rights…

GW definitely loves it’s rankings. A few years ago, they got caught reporting incorrect stats of their students to the ranking publications.

I still like the school, we’re just more cautious about the admissions process.

@WilliamNYC @TekSan But are they being significantly more selective this year than previous years?

I don’t think so. The trend has been a slight increase of acceptance rate over the past two years - they seem to like to admit greater amounts of qualified students as more apply

Of all the schools where we had visits and info sessions (about 20 for both my kids) GW was the school whose presentation was the slickest. It was like I was witnessing a meticulously rehearsed performance where nothing was left to chance. It was impressive but it left me with a feeling that someone was trying too hard and that the school’s image is way more important than what it should be. It seems unfair for having negative thoughts because they did such a great job with that presentation but I cannot help but feel that their priority is to boost their image above all else.

@rosebudd21 Difficult to answer. The number of students admitted will likely go up as yield rates tend to go down with more applicants.

I got waitlisted at Boston University with a 4.31W and a 32 ACT (9 APs 4 honors) so I’m really hoping on GW!!

dying from waiting ! I think 10 days or so it’ll be out. Last year they posted on their snapchat @gwadmissions “decisions will be released soon” or something like that then like the next day at 9 am they emailed and said it would be released at 5 pm that day. It came out on the 30th last year.

is a likely letter sent to everyone that will be accepted? or can you get in without receiving a likely letter?

what is a likely letter?

@WilliamNYC Funny you say this - when we were there they had serious technical difficulties and the presentation ended up being a bit of a mess. We also have toured about 18 schools. Our tour guide made up for it though. She was great!

What does everyone have on their GWeb portal? I’m confused about some of the stuff it’s asking me for

That is funny @croaswife! YMMV applies to college visits I guess. :-))

Can you describe what you see @abbeyabbey0117 ? It’s a messy portal and certainly easy to get lost.

GW Admissions just tweeted that it’s a long wait but decisions are coming soon … by early April!

has anyone gotten a likely letter yet?

@TekSan like the verification of family member? My brother is in college so obviously, we have to verify he’s in college but the form won’t even be available until spring? wouldn’t that be after I got accepted/rejected? and I have something saying my housing status is on campus. are these just placeholders or? I just wanted to know if everyone got these things

to clarify: likely letters are only for a small number of really exceptional students, right? not for everyone?