GW 2023 Early Decision 1

As the deadline is coming up soon and I haven’t seen a thread for ED1 applicants yet, I figured I’d start one! I know we’re all a bit nervous and could use the communal support, so that’s what this is for.

Who all is applying?

Sent in my application yesterday! Now we wait!

I have seen that GWU says that ED applications will be sent out late December but from scrolling around last years thread I think the class of 2022 decisions came out December 12th. Do we know if it really will be late December or will it be a bit sooner like last years decisions?

@bmpmvp it looks like last year they came out on the 14th and for the class of 2021 they came out on the 19th. :frowning:

Does anyone know around what time the decisions will come out for sure, I’m guessing soon?

I read somewhere online that it’s usually the 14th


If it’s the same Thursday it was last year, it could be the 13th this year, but we really won’t know… It could be as late as Monday the 17th, but I know 2 years ago they promised to get the decisions out before winter break.

I sent mine in the last week of October for ED 1 and my stomach has been in the biggest knot ever since. So nervous.

Has anyone’s financial aid information changed on the GW application portal? the message has always stated, "The Office of Student Financial Assistance anticipates that your personalized Financial Aid section will be available soon?. It’s remained the same since I submitted my app.

Mine still says that as well.

Update: the regional admissions counselor for Ohio responded to me asking about notification dates and she said to expect a decision in the online portal in “the days just before December 20.”

That is what mine says about financial aid, as well. However, I applied for the Honors Program and it used to have information about that at the bottom of the webpage and doesn’t anymore… Anyone else have the same experience or do other people still have something about the Honors Program in their portal saying they would be notified by March?

Mine still says that I will be notified of the Honors College decision in March

I applied for the Women’s Leadership program and it says I’ll be notified in March too.

Will they release the notification this week?

Who knows? How about someone calls tomorrow and reports back? :slight_smile:

my best guess is that it’ll be Thursday given that it was Thursday last year and if the lady said it would be soon that seems likely.

On the gw undergrad admissions website, did anyone else notice the notification date change from mid-December to late December? Does this mean something!? ?

I think it’s always said late December.