GW Chance Me ED Please

Hi guys! I applied ED for Elliott at GW and I wanted to know my chances so if anyone wants to chance, please do so!
I go to a very good school in the Northern New Jersey where the regular classes are harder than some honors classes at my friend’s schools. No one from my school who applied ED has been denied or waitlisted from GW since 2009 and those accepted all had lower ACT scores than me.
I had a little breakdown and ended up getting diagnosed with 5 mental disorders relating to anxiety that helped me ease out of my shell and it’s explained in my guidance rec (why I didn’t take many hard classes)

GPA 3.735 Weighted
ACT 33: 29 Math, 33 Reading, 34 English, 36 science
Internship as an Office Assistant for a multimillion dollar company for 3 years
Volunteer: Organized clothes and communicated in Spanish to assist undocumented immigrants 7 weeks this summer for 2 hours each week
Photographer for literary magazine in school 2 years
Participated in archery as a hobby
Volunteered twice for Rehab center - once distributing flowers on Mothers Day, another navigating to pick up nurses in a snow storm with the nursing supervisor
Tutored 1 year for a student in Spanish 2
Organized clothes again for another place but it was a one time thing so I put it last on common app

I do not need one penny for financial aid - I know GW is not need blind so I assume this helps.

I did regular classes except accelerated Spanish first 3 years of high school since I was living undiagnosed until Junior year with 5 mental disorders. I took 2 APs senior year: AP Gov and AP Stat. I sent my report card to GW because I received straight A’s this marking period and all of Junior year.
My common app essay was about archery allowing me to lessen my nerves. GW essay was about my experience volunteering for the undocumented immigrants and really understanding how everyone wants the same things out of life.
I visited the school 3 times and have emailed my admissions rep!
I know my class choices are weak tho but I tried to redeem myself senior year with getting A’s in my APs :confused:
My recs from teachers are amazing! Spanish - she loved me and I did really well in her class. Math - I was his only student in my class exempt from the final and I explained how he really helped me discover I was good at Math (went from a B student to A in Math)

Sorry this a lot but I wanted to be fully honest! Thank you so much to anyone who chances me!

I think for ED you have a very good chance. Good luck!

I agree with @sdl0625 that you’ve got a very good chance. Good luck, and keep us posted!