GW ED 1 Class of 2024 Release Date

What do you guys think the ED1 release date will be? I know GW changed their website from “Mid-Late December” to just “Late December”, so what do you guys think?

It came out on the 17th last year, a Monday, at 5 p.m. My guess is either Friday the 13th, Monday the 16th, or most likely Friday the 20th!

I’m guessing the 16th because, based on the past few years, it seems they release it in the third Monday of the month.

Will they send an email a few days before the decisions come out do you think?

I just called the office and they said they don’t have the exact date, but the results will be out within 2 weeks , before Christmas

Do they post their decisions on GW Student Portal or do they send it via email?

I heard that it is this coming wed at around 5 pm

Where did u hear that?

From my college guidance but I’m still skeptical

How likely do you guys think that it will be tomorrow?

not likely I don’t think, as someone called today and heard they don’t have an exact date yet. I would say Monday/Wednesday much more likely.

Hoping it comes out soon the suspense is killing me

Yeah but then again, they gave the same vague responses last year right before the decisions came out

Do they send an email letting you know when to expect decisions to be released? Or do they just email you right when they come out.

I don’t think last year’s class got an email before they came out, I’m pretty sure they just came out.

A friend of mine heard yesterday apparently - she got deferred. CHECK YOUR EMAILS

i don’t have anything on my mailbox unfortunately

maybe fortunately? they might be releasing deferrals and denials right now or something

yeah right. anyway hope that decisions will be there asap

Has anyone else heard back? I am assuming if one person got deferred then there are more people who have received their decision.