GW ED Chances

Hi all! I’m applying to school of media and public affairs for journalism and wanna know if i can get in ed
GPA: (weighted only) 3.8-3.9, school doesn’t give or show unweighted
My first marking period GPA was a 4.3
SAT/ACT: test optional yayyyy
US history: 730
Lit: 700
Bio: 800
only have taken a few regular courses and had mostly honors/AP all four years
Junior year: APUSH, Psych, Lang, Comp Sci (all 5’s and 4 on lang)
Senior year: Lit, Gov, Human geo, statistics, enviro sci
EC’s: loads, taekwondo black belt w/ teacher position and instructor of kids w/ special needs. part of a choir that is outside of school sings several big places. lots of school clubs, leadership positions in 1-2 of them. drama club, international thespian honors society, newspaper club
I’ve done three Journalism/Media related internships, currently doing a political one and writing political editorials for my local newspaper

Awards: ap scholar w distinction, scholastic art&writing, rutgers summer scholars merit, penn state summer program merit, oxbridge academic achievement, my schools community service award, model un awards

oh and also i don’t need any financial aid if that matters lol

I think you’ve got a great chance at getting in ED. Good luck!