GW ED II 2022

Since it’s February 1st, I thought that I’d start up this thread for people to post about when they think Early Decision II will come out/ask questions/post in here when they receive their decisions.

I’ve been waiting for someone to start this thread

Thank you @beantown22 for starting this discussion. My daughter is anxiously awaiting word. I heard that last year it came out on February 14th, so we are in the home stretch.

@hsseniormom Yeah, last year they came out on February 14th at midnight and this year, Early Decision I came out on December 14th. Since Early Decision also said “late” January like ED II says “late” February, I’m counting on it being then.

Fingers crossed for all of us!

Yeah thanks for making this thread, I’m really hoping the decisions come out Feb. 14th. I think last year the website said mid feburary for Ed2 but this year it says late…or am i wrong?

Also waiting anxiously. So hard!

@clt1998 You’re right, it did but it also says Late December for ED I which was released December 14th this year.

Okay well lets hope its the same for ed2 haha!

literally so hard to wait! does anybody think that there is any chance it might come out sooner?

Tufts ED2 came out today. I ready think it will be next week, but like you, I’m hoping it’s sooner.

does any one have any more information? Like did any get an email, the twitter has not posted anything

@livvvvv someone in the EDI and EDII chat someone posted that they called admissions and they said early March now which is dissapointing espescially because that’s almost when regular decision is.

My daughter was told by 2 separate people whose counselors called admissions that ED2 will come out on Thursday 2/15. I hope I am providing accurate info.

does anyone know if they send an email in the morning telling you the time the decision will go live?

@livvvvv They’ve done that in past years but considering they didn’t send one ahead of time for ED I this year, I don’t think they will.

I called admissions yesterday and they said late feb, early march :confused:

I posted this on the other thread for both ED’s but: I’ve been on this a lot for a few people I know who applied ED2 (I’m already accepted via ED1) and I’d recommend you all check your portals at 5pm today. I didn’t get an email about it until 9pm the day we found out (December 14th, a Thursday) but already knew because I had thought to check the portal at 5 since their offices close then. Good luck all!!


I got in! Hope the rest of you had good results as well!