GW ED2 Class of 2023

5 or 6pm*

5 or 6pm*

What are we thinking about notifications coming today?

It should come out today at 5pm. I hope.

geez its nerve-racking

5 PM ET?

yeah thats what im thinking

did anyone get their decision?

not yet ugh!!!

i guess its not coming out today :frowning:

last year they said it was live at like 510 ish so maybe its still today

hopefully im literally refreshing the portal every second

still didnt get it

could be 530 maybe last year the email was sent out a few hours later so hopefully its still today

When I called GW, their “extended office hours” are from 9:00am-8:00pm, so there is a chance that the decisions could be released later this evening!

as an EDI applicant I can tell you decisions came out at 5 o’clock exactly, so I wouldn’t count on getting them today :frowning:

Just tweeted at the admissions page. They retweeted something 2 hours ago, so hopefully I can get some insight!

Any brave soul wanna call admissions

i called admissions earlier and they said that “decisions will be released in the next few weeks.” so maybe its not today?

They always say that tho