<p>I filled this out a few weeks ago but i'm worried i didn't do it right. All it asked was my basic info, then some "Yes/No" questions, and my building preferences. It didn't ask what kind of room i wanted with how many roommates, or which residence hall. Is this right?</p>
<p>yeah this is correct they only do it by building not by room size, wish they took that into account.</p>
<p>I will be ****ed off if I get stuck with 5 roommates!</p>
<p>is there any way you can specify room size? Because I know like in Thurston or Crawford for instance a double or triple is more money than a quad or 5 person room. Do you specify what price level you want to be at?</p>
<p>I spoke to Housing and they said that you can request to switch into a room with less people or more people once the assignment is made. I was concerned because the housing application did not allow you to specify type of room and in my sons case becasue of financial concerns we want him to be in a room that cost the lower amount which means more people. They said that they expect lots of people who get in the 5/6 rooms in Thurston will request to be moved and so if he gets a triple which costs more he will likely be able to moveā¦</p>