GW or american for studying politics?

<p>i need some help real quick. As far as academics go for studying something related to government or political science, or perhaps looking as chances to work in a political setting after school, which school would suit better? i kno both schools are in DC and have great opportunities, buch which one has more resources? If nothing else, and i know this does not matter as much, but which has a higher ranking? please disregard any other factor, im just curious?</p>

<p>thank you to all, i appreciate the help</p>

<p>gw is ranked higher. i also think that numbers aside, gw is the better school. both schools are good, but gw has better connections and better academics (in my opinion). i also think gw is more well known and no disrespect to american, but gw is more respected in the public sphere.</p>

<p>don’t take this to mean american isn’t good for studying governement/political science, but comparitively gw is just a little better i think.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>GW definitley has an edge over American for government /politics. And because you say that you want to work in a related field to the major after college, GW looks even more like the better choice for you. GW is a school that is all about connections. And if you were to graduate from GW, you would have connections GALORE. The number of graduates who do move on to work in government or other various political settings after graduation at GW is staggering. I know this first hand because my cousin works at the department of agriculture in Washington D.C. and according to her, GW graduates vastly outnumber American graduates in government and political related careers throughout Washington.</p>

<p>When I asked a friend of ours who has worked for the State Dept. in foreign service for 25 years (and is a Nietzche sp.?, JHU grad) what were good undergrad programs, the first one he mentioned was American’s. It may not be so highly rated as GW overall but its IR program is very well regarded.
My son had a speaker at his school yesterday to talk to SGA members, at age 32, an AU grad he had interned at the white house and now is an advisor to Bill Clinton.
I’m not necessarily biased my s is applying to both schools!</p>

<p>David Gregory graduated American University. And he has done quite well for himself. Quite well. In some ways, choosing the “right” college is the great American myth. Go with what feels best to you.</p>

<p>I agree with MBJ - look at both and decide what feels best to you. Both IR programs are well-regarded. My D decided on GW, and is very happy with her choice. She has a friend at American who is equally happy there. I think both have similar internship possibilities, but the campus atmosphere is very different.</p>