GW or UVM? Thoughts?

<p>Ok so I got into George Washington University and University of Vermont, and now I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons. HELP!</p>

<p>GW: I really REALLY love DC and I really want to go there. Perfect size, location, internship opportunities, decent weather etc</p>

<p>HOWEVER, it is really expensive (I think 56k?) and that's going to be very tough. Also, I've heard that people can be somewhat spoiled/stuck up (which obviously will be the case at any school, but moreso at GW).</p>

<p>UVM: Burlington is a fun town and the school is decent, and I got the Presidential scholarship.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, it is still expensive for a state school (40k ballpark), AND IT'S ABSOLUTELY FREEZING!!!! Winter is my least favorite season and I can't ski.</p>

<p>And I guess the third option is Umass Amherst, where I can pretty much go for free. But I had no interest in applying (parents made me apply), I don't like the location, size is kind of big, and it would like of feel like a waste because I'm from Massachusetts and pretty much everyone gets in there. I've worked hard in high school (3.72 gpa, lots of leadership, varsity sports etc) and if I went there, what's the point?</p>

<p>NOTE: these are just my opinions, and I'm sure all these schools are great. Some are just not my cup of tea that's all.</p>

Is it worth being in debt to go to a school I love?</p>

<p>You seem to really love GW, can’t blame you DC is awesome! Just remember that this is a school with no college campus.</p>

<p>If you really can’t afford GW right now there is always grad school. So you could go to UMASS, save $$$ and go to the school of your dreams at a later time. Also, if you interested in law GW has one of the best law schools in the US</p>

<p>GW vs. UVM is a very interesting choice, and would entirely depend upon a student’s values. For me (from 5 miles outside DC), the choice would be the idyllic and beautiful UVM.</p>

<p>But should you pay $160,000 - $220,000 to go to either of them when you could go to UMass for free? HECK NO!</p>