<p>So I was accepted to Wake and GW, and was waitlisted at Notre Dame. If I get off the waitlist at Notre Dame I will go, but with my luck so far in the college admissions process it probably won't happen. </p>
<p>I'm looking to major in finance/international business and possibly go to law school after. My first question is which school gives a better overall business education. I understand that Calloway is a much better business school than GW, but what are the internship possibilities that Wake has to offer. GW is known for their internships and even have their own career center for business students. I'm worried that even though Calloway is a better school, there is a major difference in the amount of internships offered. If anyone can discuss their experience with the career center and interning while at Wake, that would be great.</p>
<p>Secondly, which school gets more people into their top 3-5 law schools that they apply to? I can't find any information about this anywhere. If anyone has recently applied to law school from GW or Wake, please discuss your experience.</p>
<p>GW is giving a little bit more money than Wake, so it is pretty even between the two schools. </p>
<p>Thank you very much.</p>