GW Paris Scholars Program

I was denied from GW entirely, but I just received a pretty vague email saying I was being offered the “Paris Scholar Program”.
Basically it is a year at a school in France for a year, and then a guaranteed transfer sophomore year (as long as you maintain a 3.0 GPA, but from what I have read the academics are pretty lax). Has anyone else gotten into this program, and are you considering it? It is my top option excluding 3 wait lists and a deferral.

I’m currently in Paris for the Paris Scholars Program, only 13 students are in the program as well, so it’s a small group, but I do suggest thinking about taking the offer. PM me if you have any questions.

Hello - Would you mind sharing your thoughts on the program here (I cannot PM). Was it a good experience; do you recommend it? Pros and Cons?

@smack312 I absolutely loved the program, being in Paris is such an advantage in itself and the trips and experiences I had were absolutely unbelievable. Tbh I’m happy I spent my freshman year in Paris rather than at GWU. I would 100% recommend doing this experience. The only con is if you’re not used to traveling or living somewhere not in the United States it’s going to be difficult for you. You can go through culture shock and you could also just get depressed and not enjoy your time in Paris. Paris is extremely different than the US; the language, food, settling, and living standards. You just have to be prepared for such a change, but IMO it’s completely worth it and you should take this chance to learn and grow in Europe.

Hi! I’m currently a high school senior and I just got accepted into GWU’s PSP program! I’m really interested in it and am seriously considering it. If anyone has done it in the past, I’d love to chat with someone about it! How many GW kids are in it and is it mixed with students from other universities? Is it hard to meet people and were you able to find many people to socialize with?

Of course! Sorry it’s taken me some time to respond.

I’ve completed it with about 13 other people. Not many people are offered the program. The program is just for GWU kids but there are similar programs, such as USC Trojan Transfer and Tulane’s own transfer program. So you will attend AUP with AUP, Tulane, and USC students. Some of the USC students are there for a semester (like the Tulane students) or they’re there for the entire year.

I will say it’s somewhat difficult due to the overwhelming amount of USC students at the school, they’re quite cliquey. Thankfully, my roommates and other GWU PSP students got along well and I had a quality group of friends. It was also easy to meet other AUP students who were awesome!

If you have anymore questions DM me your insta/email and we can discuss more! I’m happy to answer any other questions you may have.

How do you get considered for the GWU paris program? Or is it something they just offer to a select amount of people?


I would say it’s something just offered to a select amount of people because it’s not something to pick on the common app! TBH I saw it as the best opportunity for myself, as someone who was majoring in IA and other IA students were with me, it seemed special for us.

My daughter had applied to GWU and just got an email that she was “invited to participate in Paris Scholar Program”. Looking for more info on this.

Same same.

Looks like the tuition is 33,920 euros a year. Does anyone know how much the room and board will cost? And do they offer any scholarships (not loans)? Thanks.


Total cost was 50,402 euros last year. Source: GWU: The Paris Scholars Program | The American University of Paris

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My daughter also was offered the program for fall 2022. Please share anything you learn - it seems sort of random to us, especially given that it’s only about 14 kids per year.

My daughter was also offered a spot for fall of 2022 and she is very excited. Just trying to learn more about the program. We had no idea that few students accept this opportunity until I read this thread. I wonder how many spots are offered? We are from outside of Boston, have traveled in Europe and the US but she has never lived in a foreign country. Excited to learn more.

I read somewhere that only 14 students are offered this option. Since the email says "Although obtaining a spot in our first-year class is not possible for every participant, we would like to invite to participate in Paris Scholar Program”, I think the acceptance is conditional upon taking this option.
Looks like a creative way to get around their housing shortage. It looks less expensive than DC, so if the student is ready, this could be a great option.


We are seriously considering it as well. My son is super excited about it. I cannot tell from the language of the letter though if it is our kid’s only path to GW?

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Hi. My daughter got the same letter. I found the Admissions Counselor from the website and called her on the phone, and here is what I learned:

  • This is an “Assured Admissions” transfer program. If you join and meet the criteria during your year in Paris, you are guaranteed admission to GW for sophomore year.
  • This is not an acceptance to GW. Your choices are do this and transfer, or go to another college and submit a transfer application.
  • The numbers I got were that the number of kids offered the program was in the “hundreds”, but in a typical year 30 or so GW kids go into the program. During the pandemic the numbers were reduced. Perhaps that’s where the 14 comes from
  • The short answer I got was there is no merit scholarship to GW after the program. You are still entitled to apply for need based aid when you transfer to GW.
    Hope this helps

More from AUP financial aid. GW kids are not likely to get any financial aid. Housing and expense 18k Euro/year: Estimated Living Expenses | The American University of Paris

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If you do the math though, it is less expensive than GW for first year with guaranteed admissions next year if you can manage a 3.0. I think it sounds like a great opportunity if your heart is set on GW.

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