GW Paris Scholars Program

My daughter also just got an acceptance to this program. She wants to be premed and is concerned the classes will not be the right fit? Anyone else doing this program that is interested in medical fields?

Same on this end for my daughter.
I think so? Definitely doing the zoom information session next week on the 6th to learn more.

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Did she say Paris scholars are not considered for merit scholarships? Transfers are supposed to be considered, but I don’t know if this program is considered separately.

Now that you ask, I’m not sure. she definitely deferred to AuP for lots of stuff. I left that phone call with the impression sophomore year was full price. Will ask on the Zoom call.



Same for my daughter and we too are just outside Boston and seriously considering the program. Let me know if you’d be interested in talking after the meeting on the 6th.

Best, SJF


Hello! I was offered a position in the Paris scholars program and I have so many questions about it! My instagram is @ serena_kalman I would really love to talk to someone who has experience with the program! Thank you!

I have some questions too. I emailed undergrad admissions but haven’t got a response yet. My D is also accepted at AU, so we plan to visit both campuses before deciding. AU and most colleges offer study abroad option and you can pick the year & destination instead of first year in Paris being the only option.

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What is the zoom meeting on April 6th? Can you send me a link? My daughter also was offered the Paris program and we would like to learn more.

You have to accept your invitation in the portal - they’ll send you the link afterwards.

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Hi ABV and SJF, we also live outside of Boston and my daughter is very interested in this program. I’d definitely be up for talking to either one of you and/or getting the girls connected to chat. I think my daughter would appreciate talking to others who are making the same decision as her. My cell phone is 413 426 3971 - feel free to reach out. Thanks! Kate

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Hi Kate - I will text you now

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We are super interested as well. My son, after attending the zoom meeting, is super excited and is seriously considering. Anyone else out there with sons interested as well??

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hi I am just looking connect with somebody who’s done this paris program. would it be possible for me to connect with you on social media?

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Were you able to connect with someone who has done the program? We are seriously considering but there is not so much information out there about what it would be like and the transition back to GW.

Many schools have these “start somewhere else” programs that they use to entice students who weren’t accepted as first-years. The school knows that some number of first-year students will drop out or transfer, so they rely on students in these “start away” programs to come to campus in their second year to plump up the overall class numbers. The main thing to investigate here is whether the academics in the “study away” program are sound and whether your student will be someone able to slide into campus where others in their class year have already built communities.

Hello there!! For anyone who has actually followed through with the program - can we please connect??!! My son has committed to the Paris Scholar’s program and I am so lost - these AUP counselors are so nonchalant and I need some guidance!

My son was accepted to this program. Was it worth for your son?
My son not too keen about it.

GWU AUP program any feedback please? Trying to convince my son. If he starts somewhere else then transfer?

My son went and it has been an amazing experience for him. Message me if you want more information!

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