GW Regular Decision 2023

Chance me (RD 2023):
SAT- 1310
APs: 14, passed all (3, 4, or 5)
EC: Student Council
Coalition Teen Council (anti drug and alcohol group), secretary for 4 years
National Honors Society
Teen Court (mock trials)
Destination Imagination
Job at a tropical smoothie (will worked there for 2 years in April 2019)
Letters of Rec: one from an AP European and AP US History teacher 10/10
another one from my spanish teacher that I’ve had for the past 3 years 8/10
About me: Mexican American from michigan, lower middle class
Essays: 9/10, talked about my fathers dead in the middle of my sophomore year, and also a missions trip i took in the summer of 2015, and how they’ve both shaped me as a person

I understand that no one is an admissions counselor but just getting a feel of what I should be expecting in March, thank you!

You did not list your GPA,

I felt as if I were forgetting something lol, but my GPA is a 3.7 UW and after my AP boosts, should be a 3.85 W

anyone applying to the School of Media and Public Affairs?

I am @BL3001

Just wanted to say hi :slight_smile: One month left…

has anyone logged into their Gweb financial portal? Just wondering if anyone else’s academic progress under the “my eligibility” tab says “new student fall 2019”?

Mine says that, too! I’m not sure if it said it previously :open_mouth:

has everyone else received the email with a link to a survey asking what they’re most excited about at gw?

@s9841210 yep everyone did. do you see the new student fall 2019 thing?

mine says “Needs Review - Not Evaluated Fall 2019”

I don’t have the Financial Portal, is it for F.A.?

me too @gsbc12 now im a little nervous haha

@oliviaepley yeah mine also says new student.

mine says new student as well, trying not to get too excited though

also @BL3001 I’m applying to SMPA as well!!

how do you get into your financial aid portal? I applied for financial aid but is it just part of the regular portal?

mine says needs review as well

Portal —> View financial aid on GWeb —> Financial Aid Menu —> My Eligibility —> 2019/20 School Yr ----> Academic Progress. See what it says :slight_smile:

Definitely take the academic progress thing with a grain of salt. I highly doubt it means anything.