GW Regular Decision 2023

I just got an email they’re coming out today at 5PM eastern…: 14 minutes…

wait i just got an email and it confirms the decisions are coming out today at 5PM EST

I got the email too. 5 pm EDT

14 mins!!!

i just got the email saying 5 my timezone so like 15 min ahh

what did the first line of your email say?

i’m so scared oh my god i’m shaking

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn more about you. Your admissions decision is ready to be viewed as of 5 p.m. EDT on the GW Student Portal. Please log in to view your decision.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn more about you. Your admissions decision is ready to be viewed as of 5 p.m. EDT on the GW Student Portal. Please log in to view your decision. @hopingforanswers

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn more about you. Your admissions decision is ready to be viewed as of 5 p.m. EDT on the GW Student Portal. Please log in to view your decision.”


13 mins!

10 mins!

i have a feeling im going to get rejected

my heart is pounding

Same. @ibjunior


@brock19 they just sent out an email

im so scared rn

Best of luck everyone! 5 minutes :open_mouth: