GW Transfer - Fall 2017

Hi everyone! This discussion is for those of you who are also planning on transferring to GW next fall, or Fall 2017, from another university/college! I’m currently in the process of applying and I thought this discussion would be a good way for all of us to connect and encourage each other until decisions come out in May. I know it seems early to think about this, but it’s best to start thinking and planning early! If you were a transfer student and successfully transferred to GW in previous years, please try to be active in this discussion so us transfers can have some guidance!

Hey! I am planning on applying to the Elliott School of International Affairs for this coming fall! I am super happy that you made this thread so I can share my anxiety with someone in the same boat lol

@as06053 aw no problem! I’m just hoping past transfer students will help us out. I’m planning on applying to the School of Media and Public Affairs so I’m really excited! Have you heard any tips from anyone yet?

Here’s some general tips that apply to all:

  1. Show interest in the school by reaching-out to your local Admissions Representative
  2. Tour the campus, if feasible
  3. Put a lot of thought into you GW-specific essay, and make sure the essay shows it. Sell yourself as well as explain why you want to transfer to GW (and hopefully it has do with things specific to the school, not just the D.C. location)

@NHuffer What if you’ve already been on a tour but it was back in May? I’ve already indicated this on my application.

I don’t think it matters when the tour was as long as you did it.

@NHuffer okay! any other tips?

@tayloec Not really- what I already posted just about sums up how an applicant can make an impact through means other than the usual GPA, ECs, etc.

If you all get accepted, then I have a whole new set of ‘tips’ :slight_smile:

How is everyone’s application going?

My professor has yet to receive the recommender email from the common app and I continue to refresh the notification. Anyone else have this issue?

@Robinyoursoul i submitted mine like 2 weeks ago and I didn’t have an problems

Weird. I am not allowed to assign my recommender to any documents. I’ve also been in contact with the professor weekly to figure this out. Alongside an “other recommender” (former boss who was my RSO in Tunisia), my professor is my only other recommendation.

Welp. Figured out the issue. The community college I am attending had been blocking common app emails. Not sure why, but it’s been fixed and my professor submitted the recommendation. Basically done with the application, just a waiting process now

Hi everyone! I am also trying to transfer into George Washington University for the Fall 2017 semester (I currently attend Tulane University) I was wondering if any of you could answer a question I had; What is the big difference between the Elliott School of International Affairs and Columbian College of Arts and Sciences? I plan on studying international relations/political science in some form, and I’m not sure which school to apply to.

@Tacosaur different as in what? Each are “schools” within GW that serve as school houses, if you will, that oversee many students and degree plans. If you want a degree in IA, it’ll be from the Elliot school (where you will take many of your classes). If you go poli-sci, most of your classes will be through the CCAS. You’re still a GW student, but all your academic affairs (like advising, faculty, etc) will be based out of a certain school.

If you don’t know which apply to, apply to both. Just know that the Elliot school is he hardest to get into, so the choice might be made for you. You can always try to transfer later, but you might run out of time to complete all the required classes (if you plan on graduating after 4 years of school).

@NHuffer I applied to the School of Media and Public Affairs. Is that one “easier” to get into? I know you have to be a student in CCAS first and then you apply to SMPA, but is it still “easier” to get into?

@tayloec I’m not certain about the selectivity of the SMPA, so I can’t really comment. If I had to guess, though, I’d say it’s “average” compared to the other schools.

@Robinyoursoul do you mind sharing your stats? I currently attend a community college as well.

@as06053 of course! I wouldn’t necessarily call myself your traditional transfer student.
Let’s see:

Male; 26; Hispanic; first generation American; upper-middle class.

Graduated from highschool in 2008 (did very poorly and not worth mentioning GPA/standing)

Attending community college <60 credits.
3.88 GPA majoring in science (community college doesn’t have a biology major)
Member of the school’s honor committee
Veterans association
Just got the approval to intern at a local dental office

Military history:
Served in the Marine Corps as an infantry man for 5+ years
Deployed to Afghanistan in 2011
Worked in the diplomatic sector as a Marine Guard under the RSO/EXEC at embassies in Pristina, Kosovo/Santa Fe, Mexico/Tunis, Tunisia (2x)
Also a founding member of the Marine Corp’s MSAU force.

I know my extra curriculars are pretty poor; however, I hope that my life experiences and what I bring to the table makes me a competitive applicant.

@Robinyoursoul As a former “transfer” applicant and Navy veteran, I’d say your application is definitely competitive. Good luck!

Nice to see some other Vets on here! And that’s good to hear! I like to believe that Vets have just as much as a chance to attend competitive schools as anyone else.