GWU 2021 Wait list

hi! i was wait listed from gwu a few days ago and wanted to see if others are in the same boat

Hey, same here hopefully we have a chance lol

I was waitlisted too :///

Same here

does anyone know how many people they took off the waitlist last year?

Anyone doing a call in ?

does anyone know if they prefer emails vs calls?

Last year or the year before, I don’t recall, they reported taking 62 people off the waitlist.

I might do a call in but is there a date we can call in? i know for last year they had designated dates for waitlist people

Is visiting gw a good way to show interest?

My waitlisted daughter was just invited to an “another route to GWU”, through their Paris Scholars Program, where she would attend school at the AUP in Paris with a guaranteed admission to GWU in her sophomore year if she maintains 3.0 average. I am not finding much about this program on CC or otherwise. Did anyone else get this letter? It seems appealing but obviously it’s something we’d have to give a lot of thought to.

Does anyone know when we should hear?

I sent an email explaining why I wanted to go to GW but I also want to call does anyone know when we are able to call?

@Momtojandk my son received the same offer. You are not a GW student until you complete you first year, and meet the 3.0 requirement and apply. You need to register as a student at AU Paris which looked confusing. you need to pay that school (Euro) and apply for housing. I wonder how many other received this option.

@wowed777 I think this is just like psu2+2 program.

@Momtojandk your D is better off selecting another university and applying as a transfer the subsequent year(s) if she really wants to go to GW.

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@NHuffer Any advice for us waitlisted students? We are still waiting to hear when the call-in date is… last year seemed to be earlier. Thanks!

@ccoryat21 No, I’m afraid not. I think that at this point each applicant has already been “ranked” and there’s nothing to do to improve. It’s possible, but not likely, that calling the Admissions office once a week to ask about the status of your application could help.

@NHuffer I thought that the waitlist was unranked?? Are you a student at GW?

@ccoryat21 waitlist is unranked, but in some sense it’s ranked, those ranked waitllist is work like this: tom is No1 and amy is No.2; If there is a space tom will go first. and if it’s unranked waitlist the admission officer can shape their class. Let’s say the admission officer wants to control the ratio of male and female. They might admitted amy rather than tom, even though tom is ranked higher than amy. However, in any cases their will be a rank. it’s just we don’t know, and the admission officer won’t tell.