GWU 2021 Wait list

I was just wondering if any students placed on the wait list have heard anything. My son submitted additional documents per the form they emailed out. I was wondering if they have contacted anyone to admit them?

anyone know when will they release wait list decision?

@normanf Wait list decisions, as far as I know, are on a rolling basis. GW is most likely waiting to hear back on whether not admitted students accept or not. Once openings start popping-up from students turning them down, GW will start notifying wait-listers. I’m unable to find the date by which students are required to “check yes or no.”

@ccoryat21 @NHuffer is an outstanding alumni of GW. Last year when my sweet girl was accepted (and to this day) he was been a wealth of information.

@ccoryat21 Sorry- didn’t realize I missed your question. @HappyFace2018 is right, I’m a [somewhat] recent grad that likes to help-out on the forum. (and thanks for the kind words, @HappyFace2018 :slight_smile: )

Just got accepted from the waitlist today!

@Sonamkachee congratulation, do you got the result by email or on your portral

Thanks- Email directing me to the portal.

@Sonamkachee what time did you get your email?

Around 1pm

Congrats @Sonamkachee ! What did you do for your application before they accepted you?

I sent a loci and an extra recommendation.

Did any of you guys call your regional counselors?
I was planning to email my counselor to see if I could call her and explain my interest in the school more

does anyone know anything about gw’s waitlist activity?

Hey guys, I’m a fall admit who will be attending university elsewhere this fall. Not to rain on you guy’s parade, but GWU sent me this email today:

Thank you for applying to the George Washington University this year. May 1 and your enrollment deposit deadline have passed, and we have not received your deposit.

Hopefully you have found another institution where you can pursue your education. Our fall class is now full. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Costas Solomou, Ed.D.
Dean of Admissions

The email states that “Our fall class is now full”, so it doesn’t sound like the school will be admitting any more kids off the waitlist. Probably not the easiest thing to hear, but I feel this is something you guys should probably know.

@MemeMan666 thank you for sharing that, only wish gw would just tell us that too then

Any idea when theyre going to give final decisions?

Hi, what did you end up doing? my son just got offered the PSP by GW. curious.

Do you know how many they wait-listed? My son is one of them–he only applied to the Engineering school. However, I think when all is said and done, this is one of the most expensive colleges on his list, so we may pass on it.