GWU admissions

Is it likely that I will get into GW with a 3.5 unweighted gpa & 27 act? I’ve been on music ambassadorships across the world, started a club, been involved in marching band, nhs, and debate team. My essays are decent, I think. I’m concerned that my GPA and test scores will hold me back. Thoughts? I’d appreciate ANY feedback

I believe GW is test optional (but check). If it is I would go that route as your ACT is well below the 25th percentile of admitted students.

GWU is test optional except for certain programs - you should check online.

3.5 from high school or from a university or community college? You don’t have to submit test scores but have you considered retaking the ACT? A high score could make up for a sub-par g.p.a… Also glowing recommendation letters and well-written essays are very important- you should have fun with writing them and genuinely express yourself.

A 3.5 from my high school. Weighted is 3.85. It is too late to retake the ACT. I applied early decision. I think that my essays are eloquently written and verily express who I am in 300 words or less. I am genuinely hoping that my extra-cirrikculars will carry quite a bit of weight, too.

I do not know if this will help, either, but I am very involved with the Alzheimer’s Association. I started an Alzheimer’s Cub at my school, I have spoken at major fundraisers, and have won awards for my involvement. That’s also something I am relying on heavily.

I think you have a decent chance since you applied Early Decision. Had you applied RD, your chances are lower.