GWU Class of 2025 Waitlist

anyone from business?

Son’s FA package came this evening.

would he consider?

how is it?

Yes. It is very generous.

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Very generous.

How much scholarships and awards?

that is good to hear, waitlist applicants usually do not a lot of merit/aid

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I talked to FA this morning and they told me my package-SUPER generous. It ended up being cheaper than my instate school I was originally going to attend. I got a grant that covered the full $59k tuition! I do come from a high need family so that is definitely a factor but I was super shocked at the amount they gave. Good luck to everybody!

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My daughter was also admitted off the waitlist - biomed eng. Very excited.


Did you all receive an email of the decision or was it on the portal?

i believe that you get an email and then the portal changes - the same as reg. decision


My Son got off the waitlist Friday May 8th, School of Business. Good luck everyone. A terribly dissapointing year for many.

hey has anybody that’s gotten off the waitlist been able to access the housing portal? I’m worried I won’t be able to access it in time to do the housing application.

nvm i emailed housing and they said i should be able to access it in time!

Son’s deadline to accept his offer was last night - he did not accept. It was a tough decision.
GWU was very generous and we are very thankful. Hopefully this opens a spot for someone else.

Adding one note: After son was notified that his portal changed and he saw his acceptance and amazingly generous offer, we never heard another peep from GWU. Don’t get me wrong, we didn’t expect anything more than the offer and we are thankful. I just thought it was strange that after such a big monetary commitment from the school, there was no follow up call, or letter, or email, or anything. This didn’t impact his decision, but a personal call might have swayed him a bit
who knows?

that is the GWU way. Unfortunately its not a school with a lot of interpersonal communications. The strengths of the school are the professors and programs, not the admin.

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Understood. It is a great school. Doesn’t really matter. I just thought it was strange.

Which school did he apply?
