GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

You guys out there? I’ve spent many sleepless nights for late Dec/early Jan ya’ll won’t believe the nightmares I’ve had haha–I’m expecting Santa to show up soon with that rejection letter :relieved: How’s everyone?

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Same here. Hey don’t worry, I have faith in us

Positive thoughts!!

Im manifesting it

hopefully the pain and torture will end soon–

I think it will be sometime next week based on when it has been in the past. In past years it was released at 5pm EST so I would also look out around that time.

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ahhh oh my gosh. good luck to you all!!

yep, I think last year they released on December 18, and then in 2018 they released December 17


Literally last year the decision date was listed on the CSS Profile but they must have gotten smarter this year not to list it there. Fingers crossed for everyone! I get butterflies in my stomach every time I think about it coming out I just want to know already.

i feel the same way!! it’s literally all i think about. the wait is so hard


: / I want to have a civilized conversation with the person who pointed it out to them.

Good luck! All of you are wonderful people, I have faith in you !


Haha seriously though. I hope we can actually be on campus next year. I only toured GWU once and would have liked to go back and see things a little more. At this point, I’d throw myself at the admissions office to get them to accept me.

haha same here. we are all gonna be fine. i hope to call you guys my class mates next year. fingers crossed.

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you are so precious!! i expect happy comments next week!

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Hopefully things work out better next year. You’re very lucky you got to tour gwu all of my plans drowned when the pandemic decided to show its ugly head. maybe 2021 will be better?? gotta stay strong we’re the best class come on


I also toured once and I was lucky I even did. If I never toured I probably would have EDed to American instead.

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I would also throw myself at them to accept me. It’s kind of scary how obsessed you become once you fall in love with a school.

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so true. i feel so at home whenever i think about it. such a weird feeling

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Update I just called their admissions office and they told me it will come out in late December. Like ugh just tell us! Hopefully, it’s around the 17th though.

Do any of you know someone who was accepted into GWU as an early decision applicant?