GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

im so stressed about it and my friends teased me for 30 min slowly counting it down. it has to be tomorrow

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i don’t think i can do this much longer lol


It so frustrating not having an actual date

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Every day it doesn’t happen I think about how I have to wait another 24 hours all over again


same i cant focus in school


When it’s finals week and I’m waiting for GW decisions is a no bueno


ikr. I had to take 5 min to breathe while studying between exams cause the thought barely corssed my mind


I really want to know by tomorrow but it’s also my birthday tomorrow😣 I really don’t want to get denied on my birthday loll


Oh gosh! Well, maybe your birthday will mark good fortune.

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Does anyone’s GWeb for the financial aid still state “Received, ready for review” or have they already reviewed it?

I just had coffee and it’s making my anxiety worse–it might be a good idea to not drink coffee these upcoming days…


is GWeb the same thing as GW.force?

No, it’s the website GW force (the portal) has below where the information about the financial aid is. This is the website for GWeb: Banner Secured Area

You can locate it under the portal (GW force) if you scroll all the way down, it’ll say “view financial aid on GWeb” and that’s where the link I mentioned previously is embedded.

what a coincidence my bday is on the 18th!!


Yesterday mine said ready for review but today it changed to approved

That might be a good sign!

omg happy early bday!!

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I agree! Could be grasping at straws but I keep telling myself they wouldn’t be reviewing my documents this late if they rejected me

Yeah! Mine is still under review because I had a missing document…hopefully everything is okay and it is approved by tomorrow! :pleading_face:

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