GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

I applied for women’s studies!!


Same! But I’m from Virginia.

i tried that and it still didn’t work with my gw id

Your pin?

yeah it said i needed to reset it

Mine made me create a new pin after I entered my MMDDYY. So it will redirect you to make a 6 digit pin. Let us know if it works!

yes! finally just got in. thank you so much

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i applied for political science. I want to go into government.


Of course!

I applied Neuroscience and Honors program! I won’t find out about the honors program until March tho

Where is everyone from? I am from South Florida

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I applied for international business, but i feel like i’ll end up changing my mind eventually in college. my dream is to do human rights/immigration law
and my school in pa switched all of us to virtual because of snow, but they’re not planning on cancelling virtual classes unless our power goes out


I also applied to the Honors program and I’m from Northern Virginia!


That’s so cool, you’re so close to DC then!!


does anyone else find it weird how GW is need aware? they seem like a pretty liberal school, but need aware admission policies are elitist imo

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Yup! That’s why I really want to go to GW because my dad also works in DC so I won’t feel too homesick.

It’s kinda funny you mention that lol, my boyfriend’s grandparents went to GW and they mentioned that to me

That’s so great tbh, I would love to be close to home, but I loved GW when I visited

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Wow really? That is pretty elitist but I thought they were need based?

im in PA, so GW is in my ideal location range. i want to be far enough from home to be independent, but close enough so i can drive home for a weekend visit. plus, i have cousins a few miles away that i can visit anytime i want

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That’s amazing!