GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

we should all storm into the building and demand answers


i am so impatient this is really difficult for me lol

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anyone else check their portal a million times a day? I hate waiting

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I literally keep the tab open all day and refresh it every hour LMAO I’m obsessed

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i wish they’d email about the date :frowning:


I feel like every other school lets them know when decisions are being released

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so many of my friends found out today:( not making this easy for me hahaha

SAME its so difficult watching everyone else

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the pain

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Lol I feel like last year some of the private school kids had college counselors who let them know about the date ahead of time. If anyone is reading this and has that knowledge please let the chat know because I’m losing my mind.

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I go to private school, but ngl I didn’t even think about asking. I can if y’all would like me to

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If you do please let us know! We are dying!

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Update: sent an email to my school counselor yesterday and texted my college counselor, but haven’t heard back yet. I’m so nervous to hear from them Lmao I just want to know already arghhhh hahah

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Hi guys, as someone who applied ED to GW a few years ago, I know it doesn’t help at all, but the best thing you can do for your sanity is to NOT check the portal every hour. It drove me nuts doing so and made for an unproductive couple of weeks. The decision will be released at 5 PM eastern some day this week (or the beginning of next week), so do yourselves a favor and – if you can!!! I know it’s difficult – try to focus on other things and just check the portal daily at 5 EST. Genuinely, nobody knows when the decisions are going to be released. My year, people kept saying their counselors told them it would be out X day or Y day and they weren’t always correct. Just hang in there, you’ll get the results soon.


you are a miracle sent down from above perhaps soon we will be able to regain our sanity

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i’m just hoping by some stroke of luck they’ll release the decisions early in the week. but maybe that’s wishful thinking :disappointed:


Thank you for the advice! And yes I think we all need to take a few deep breaths, especially for this week. Assuming we get in, what is your advice to freshman or GWU students in general to succeed? Again thank you so much for taking the time to respond to our comments too it means a lot.

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Literally! Not me turning on notifications for GWU’s instagram waiting for when they release a clue :joy:

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literally same

Do you guys have financial aid information at the bottom of your portal? Mine just showed up today

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