GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

If you were to get any scholarship, would it already be offered, or does that come later?

My scholarship was in my admissions letter


I haven’t seen it yet. I’ll make my son let me read it! :slight_smile:

Hi guys! Im currently a freshman at GW! I just uploaded a video of what its like right now to be a freshman during finals. Ill be uploading dc videos once I get on campus in January.
My YouTube is: Edyth Koenigs
Also my ig is @edykoenigs, don’t feel afraid to reach out!


also to those who go in there a gw 2025 ig page @gwu2025

Thank you so much!!

got in*

Another thing:
Once you guys have groupmes going I fully recommend doing zooms. GW 2024 did zooms right as regular decisions came out and it was the best thing we ever did. I made friends on the zooms that are my best friends now. I also met ( was was supposed to be) my roommates! Don’t be afraid to set up or attend zooms, it was the best decision I made.


Did anybody get copy of acceptance letter in the mail?

Not yet—still waiting

Hello and Happy New Year! How long are you guys waiting to claim your GW email address and NetID? The portal states “mid-January” so around January 15th?

Are any of you concerned that the classes will be completely on line in the fall still at GW? The president seemed to already indicate that will likely be the case.

No, the administration is fervently hoping to have primarily in-person classes in the fall. I think GW will try hard to make that happen.

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Thanks. That’s my biggest fear.

Would any of y’all be comfortable with posting stats or looking at my chance me? I am applying through the ED2 route, and I am not confident that I will get in.