GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

oh no I don’t have anything on mine :frowning: could that be bad news?

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You have to scroll past the part where it says what you have submitted. Also, it is possible that they are slowly being loaded onto portals so yours could show up later today or later this week

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Can other people report if it is in their portal or not

The financial aid thing is in my portal too

i see it as well

does anyone else?

for anyone that doesn’t see it, I called admissions and they say it can show up anytime within a week of admissions so don’t worry too much!

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I see it as well but I’m being attacked for missing documents – is our aid year supposed to be 2020-2021 or 2021-2022 cause I can’t see an option for the latter

Our aid is for 2021-2022. My portal says nothing is available for that year.

Just called the financial aid services. They said that it should update for the 2021-2022 year in a day or so since they sent out the information yesterday.

I found out that my non-tax filers statement was missing because GW doesn’t use the one from the CSS Profile so I just uploaded that. But do you guys know anything about GWeb? Apparently, that’s the website used to view missing documents but when I enter my GWID to log in, it states “invalid.”

is the pin wrong?

same thing happened to me. i just called them and the person i talked to was super helpful and nice & helped me figure everything out.

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That’s great! What did you have to do?

That’s what I’m trying to figure out but maybe I’ll have to call them. But thank you so much!

My financial aid popped up just now. It didn’t earlier today but I refreshed just now and and showed up. So hopefully it will update soon.

I am really hoping that the financial aid being posted means decisions are soon (fingers crossed)

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does that mean that we should hear back in the next week?

I feel like we might hear back this week…

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i’ve seen so many different predictions from the 18th to the 31st. personally i think it will come out this week, or at least i hope it will! i feel like 31st is pushing it a bit. i also think it’s a very good sign they are making way with the financial aid , could mean it’s coming very very soon. good luck everyone!!