GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

Has anyone heard anything about a release date besides “late December” I feel like we’re the only ED school that hasn’t given a date

I thought finaid doesn’t affect decisions? Don’t we have until the beginning of the semester for that?

Unfortunately, no. Late December is the only clue that the GWU website has given us haha

Maybe I’m not sure I think I read somewhere that they’re need blind so then it shouldn’t

oh boy oh boy

Did anyone apply for the honors program as well?

I genuinely cannot focus on anything


you’re not alone !! I’ve been very unproductive this week

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i think i’m slowly deteriorating


crossing my fingers for tomorrow or thursday, every time admissions posts something my heart drops

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I feel like we are all robots–slowly transforming into monotonous puppets while college admissions are the puppeteers


I have notifications on for the admissions twitter bc they usually announce it there and every time they post something my heart stops. Its so frustrating im dying inside rn.


I keep telling myself I think it will be Thursday (I have no actual reason to believe this) to keep myself sane.


Also, when other people check their aid portal, when you go into my aid and click messages does anyone else see that they were accessing your documents recently? Mine has the dates of when they were uploaded (12/11). I am probably pulling at nothing but I am looking for some indicator that tells me something.

same! for some reason i don’t think it’ll be today but i’d love to be wrong

I know there really isn’t a reason to check throughout the day because it will be released at 5pm but I can’t help it

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My aid portal isn’t separate it’s just at the bottom of my normal one. Is anyone else’s like that?

Mine is also like that as well

The bottom of my regular admissions portal has the link to my aid portal (I wish I could put in a picture)

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