GWU ED 1 Class of 2025?

Did you see that on GWeb? If so, where did you find the messages?

Yes it is on GWeb. Go to my eligibility (put 2021-22), then there is a message that says View the history of your document submissions and other messages. Click that message and you should see it.

Oh wow–it seems so intimidating lol. Thank you so much!!

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I really hope we get something today saying that they’re releasing tomorrow but I’m not sure if we will. I’m still holding out hope.


i hope so too

Does the school typically tell you the day before the decisions come out?

No. The past few years they don’t even tell you until 10 minutes after the fact when the admissions accounts post on insta and twitter. Theres no warning

dear god

that’s petrifying

me slowly turns GW twitter post notifications on

I need time to mentally prepare myself :upside_down_face:

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Every time the admissions Twitter or Instagram posts something I get so excited and then it something so random

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Do the results always come out at 5 pm est? Or just some random time?

lets hope that they come out tonight @5. :crossed_fingers:


they’re always 5!

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lol I did that last week

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i’m getting so anxious for 5pm! i really hope it’s today


I just called the admissions office. They said “late December or early January”!! If this drags on until January I will go crazy.

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is anyone else unable to sign into their gw student portal right now?

Early January?!