GWU Honors Program - My Odds?

I’m a senior applying to George Washington University Honors Program regular decision; what are my chances of getting in with these credentials?

Weighted GPA: 96% (my school doesn’t use a 4- or 5-point scale; I imagine my weighted score in those formats would be about 3.9 and 4.3, respectively)

1st sitting: 770 English, 680 Math, 8/7/8 Writing
2nd Sitting: 670 English, 780 Math
“Superscore”: 1550
SAT II U.S. History: 740

Main Extracurriculars:
-Co-Founder and Co-President of Chess Club (4 years)
-Co-President of Debate Club (2 years)
-ESL/Citizenship tutor (4 years)
-Internship at local U.S. Representative’s district office (this year)
-Model UN (this year)
-Church lector (3 years)
-Jazz Band (2 years)
-School technology help desk/certified Mac technician (2 years)

I’m applying as a Political Science major to the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences at GW, and am also applying to the Honors Program. I go to a somewhat affluent public school in upstate New York. Any input you all might have would be greatly appreciated!

Your stats seem on-par with many others accepted to Honors. I’d say your chances are good.