<p>Are you INSANE?</p>
<p>Seriously, don’t even consider GWU.</p>
<p>Yes, I’m a GWU grad.</p>
<p>Yes, I paid CASH (!!!) and private student loans for GWU. BIG mistake. Too much $!!</p>
<p>$200,000 and counting debt/cash that I paid , baby. It sucks. HARD. </p>
<p>That was a HUGE, huge mistake. $200,000 is absurd for a bachelor’s degree.</p>
<p>Don’t do it. I don’t care if you got into Harvard. **NO bachelor’s degree is worth $100K!!! **Let alone $200,000!!! I think this is the most exclamation marks I’ve ever used.</p>
<p>I disagree with GWU being unheard of in the midwest. It’s a top tier school, and people know it as such. People in rural Iowa might not have heard of it, I’ll give you that. People in academia and politics know of GWU. Still, Harvard, GWU, NYU, Podunk you, don’t go $100K in debt! No way.</p>
<p>RUNNNNNN from GWU and the $200,000 in debt that you’ll be in without aid.** RUN!!!**</p>
<p>I wouldn’t even go to a state school if I had to pay full price. That’s a lot of money still.</p>
<p>I would attend the cheapest school you can find for freshmen year, then reapply. Or do 2 years of community college and transfer. Or get a job on campus as an administrative assistant (full-time) and get some tuition benefits. You could do this at GWU.</p>
<p>Student loans have interest. If you take out $100,000, you’ll be paying a LOT more than that by the time you’ve paid off your student loans over the next 25 YEARS. Your private student loan payments will be BIG after you graduate. As in, over $1000 a month for student loan payments. Um, you haven’t eaten yet. Or, paid rent. The economy sucks. You’re not going to be rolling in income when you graduate college. Say you make $40,000 a year after you graduate if you’re lucky. After taxes, you might clear, say, $2200 a month in income. Want to keep living in DC? Ok, that’ll be about $1200 for a small one bedroom apartment in the suburbs. That leaves you $1000 to eat on, for entertainment, for clothes, for everything. Um, remember those student loans? Yeah, you won’t be able to afford those payments even making $40,000 (which, by the way, is higher than most recent graduates make). Yes, you can apply to extend your student loan repayment, but it’ll still be a sizeable chunk of change. Student loans also CAN’T go away if you declare bankruptcy. **The interest on the loans grows and grows and GROWS over the 25 years of repayment. **</p>
<p>Have I scared you yet?</p>
<p>Repeat after me: I like to eat. Thus, I will not take huge private student loans.</p>
<p>Repeat again: “$100,000 worth of debt in student loans is ABSURD.”</p>
<p>And, keep repeating that.</p>
<p>RUN from any school that requires you to take out $100,000 in loans to attend it. I don’t care if we’re talking GWU, Harvard, Oxford, Podunk U. RUN! RUN LIKE HELL!
Like I said, I went to GWU.**</p>
<p>Like I said, I received NO aid. I paid for GWU in cash and private student loans MYSELF.</p>
<p>I’m still paying for GWU, and will be for the next few decades. </p>
<p>I like GWU, but there’s no way in hell that my bachelor’s degree was worth $200,000. Literally, $200,000. And, that’s before the loan interest makes that number grow more.</p>
<p>Not. worth. it. </p>
<p>**$100,000 could buy a lot of things. A HOUSE in the midwest. **Investments that could yield huge gains over the years. Trips around the world, and back again. Vegas, baby.</p>
<p>$100,000 for a college bachelor’s degree is like flushing huge money down the toilet.</p>
<p>Been there, done that. And, I have the debt to show it.</p>
<p>**Don’t make my mistake of debt. I like GWU, but not for the $200,000 that I paid. <a href=“Yes,%20I%20actually%20paid%20that.%20I%20received%20$0%20in%20financial%20aid%20for%20my%20bachelor’s%20degree.%20Not%20one%20dime.”>/B</a></p>
<p>And, if you’re still not convinced… I’ll say it again…</p>
<p>**NO COLLEGE DEGREE WORTH $100,000 OF DEBT! ** No matter which school, NO SCHOOL is worth $100,000 IN DEBT (and counting, as interest will increase that number greatly).</p>
<p>RUNNNNNN!!! Seriously, R-U-N.… don’t look back.</p>