<p>Okay, hello everyone.. i really need ur honest opinion here please and reply as fast as you can because i have to answer to the universities!
I've been accepted at the GW School of Business and BU School of Hospitality and i would really appreciate if you could help me in order to make up my decision.
Here are the facts:
-I'm an international student so where do you think that it would be better for me?
-My dad is the CEO of Hotel Business in my country so when i finish my studies ill come back to my country and hopefully take over the business but i was wondering which of the 2 majors would be better for me? (if i choose School of Hospitality then ill take a minor on Business)
-My brother studies in Boston aswell
-I'm kind of a night person, i like going out and partying etc!
-3 hours ago i was 100% sure i wanted to go at BU but everyone is telling me that GWU is a really really good University so im sooo confused..</p>

<p>Please help me! Thanks</p>

<p>go to bu; gwu is no better</p>

<p>GWU has a special combined program in which you earn an undergrad degree in business and a masters in tourism. That sounds like something you may be interested in. Check the website for details or call the school. This may help you make a decision.</p>

<p>well, ive visited both universities and i was 100% that i wanted Boston but everyone is keep telling me that GWU is a really good university! I know what courses each University provides but then again, wherever i go i think it will be the same kind of, because either one way or another ill get the general knowledge of Business and Hospitality</p>

<p>gwu is a very good university; people are right in telling you that. but hotel management is a field that heavily focuses on business management as well and you'd be better off with either a major or a minor from bu's school of management. i say go to bu.</p>

<p>both schools are great. i think i would personally like GWU better because it has somewhat more of a campus (neither have a "traditional" campus) and because the dorms and dining hall are supposed to be REALLY nice. but the hotel management program does sound like exactly what you want to do so either would be a good choice. might be nice with your sibiling in boston too. really cant make a wrong choice between those two because in my opinion theyre peer instutions with many similarities</p>

<p>I say talke bu...having an undergrad in hospitality and in business will give you a great foundation for what you want to do. Plus, if you personaly like boston a lot, talke bu because it is just overall the better fit</p>

<p>thanks guys but i still dont know! im soo confused.. hows life in DC? where is it better for a student?</p>

<p>DC has better weather. Boston has miserable winters.</p>

<p>Here is your first business school assignment: use what you know about yourself and about the two schools to make your own decision. Does it really make sense to go on a website and beg for total strangers to make such a decision for you? That is not a good business practice. </p>


<p>i absolutely loved both of them...i totally understand why you're torn. i actually ended up choosing the third school i was deciding between, so i never got to the point where i had to pick one over the other. if you prefer one of the two cities, pick that school.</p>

<p>k9leader im not asking for a decision, im an international student and i will be coming to a completely new place which im going to live for the next 4 years, i HAVE to make the right decision! Emma, i prefer Boston because in Washington i didnt know where to go, it was just georgetown..</p>


<p>I think you are too hung up on "I HAVE to make the right decision!" In all likelihood, there is no single "right" decision. Both schools will give you a good education, both cities are exciting, interesting places to live. I lived and worked in DC for a number of years and, though I've never lived in Boston, I have been there many times for pleasure and business and love the town. And, if one of them is the "wrong" decision, it will be because of factors you do not or cannot know. </p>

<p>So, go back to your original list, evaluate what is important to you to help you decide. I think most of your items are a wash, either would work, except for two: your brother is in Boston, which, depending on how you and your brother get along could be a plus or a minus and you seem inclined toward Boston but keep second guessing yourself based on other peoples' opinions.</p>

<p>Good luck - either one is the right decision.</p>


<p>If i were you I would go to Boston...the biggest thing holding me back from choosing it over GWU was its distance from my home (which since you're international, won't make very much of a difference). I say this because, from what you've said, it really does sound like deep down you want to go to Boston. You may regret it if you go to GWU since it was only introduced to you as an option recently. But thats just my two cents...when you make a decision, don't look back AT ALL.</p>

<p>I know a lot of people who got into GW this year that really opened my eyes to how not-as-selective it is. I previously thought much more of it. BU gets my vote... Boston is a great city too.</p>

<p>On the other hand, D.C. is pretty awesome... so if you're thinking about something to do with politics, then GW should be the school for you. It is quite preppy/expensive though.</p>

<p>Thanks guys thats great!</p>

<p>I persoally think GW is a much better, more appealing school.</p>

<p>Reputationwise: BU</p>

<p>College lifewise?!</p>