GWU waitlist-LOCI

I got waitlisted from George Washington University and it was definitely one of my top choices, and I’m 100% sure I would go there if they accepted me. Yesterday, I got an email from GWU saying that I can send them an update form if I want to. I plan on submitting the update form with a LOCI, mentioning that it’s still my top choice and my interest in studying international relations increased even more since I submitted my application.
My question is, is there anything else I can do to have a better chance of getting accepted? Anything that I should specifically mention or do? Also, I read on some websites that sometimes counselors can contact the school about it and that some people submit an additional letter of recommendation. Should I do that? I really don’t have too much to say about new academic accomplishments, my grades are still very good and my ECs are the same so I don’t know if it would make a difference.
I know it’s not easy to get accepted after getting waitlisted, but I just want to do everything I possibly can so any advice would be very helpful! Thank you! :slight_smile: