Gym Class Trouble

<p>so gym at my school isn't included in my GPA so at least my gpa isn't affected
so i have a B in gym cuz my school has a warped system and the gym teacher thought i was "cutting" gym because i went to the trainer's office for like ...12 minutes? (she says i went for 25 minutes)
i wanna convince her to change my grade to at least an A - cuz that B might jeopardize governor's school for me
so i just wanna hear sum opinions</p>

<p>was her decision fair/unfair?
how to convince her to give me an A- (liek what to say?)</p>


<p>I don’t think that it’s going to jeopardize your chances for gov’s school.</p>

<p>And it’s kind of stupid to give you a B for missing some time for one day. Most people aren’t like, “you’ve missed 25 minutes of class, I’m dropping you a full grade point.” See if there are any other reasons for your B first.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’ll jeopardize your chances either. C’mon now, it’s gym. But then again, I can’t say for sure. And yea, if you’re a good A student, then a one day’s late shouldn’t affect your grade that much. One day’s performance shouldn’t hurt you that bad. Um… Get your trainer to talk to your teacher?</p>

<p>To my knowledge, most schools take your gym grade out of your GPA, anyway. (Which is good for me – I’ve been straight C’s since freshman year! Dx) It shouldn’t hurt you.</p>

<p>My Gym teacher is a fool. He gets me mixed up with other Chinese kids. He also falsely marked me late three times.</p>

<p>I guess your gym teacher doesn’t have anything better to do but try to lower people’s grades.
Try convincing your teacher, because either way, they’re going to see those grades. You should have gotten a note from the trainer though.</p>