<p>If you want to declare soon, you should take 2 prereqs…drop a breath if you think there’s too much. Have you thought about when you’re taking stat 20/21? I you do take econ 1 next semester, you can take stat 20/21 with econ 100A or B right after, and declare (probably more stressful for you). Then again, you can go ahead with your schedule and just take econ 1 fall next sem, and econ 100 A or B in the spring. </p>
<p>Woah, same here again with the prereqs! I’m almost regretting not going straight to 53, but honestly, if you could test out of those you may be underestimating yourself (I haven’t talked to any other FPF kids who have)! Did you do any econ in high school? I want to say econ 1 should be ok (Delong’s ratings are concerning though…), but as you said, if you want to declare asap, you HAVE to get this out of the way so you can move on. You’re probably still just getting used to moving out and being on your own - I’m a commuter, so in that sense I have it easy. It should definitely be easier as you go on, so just don’t be defeatist!</p>
<p>On a previous thread, I was told to try and have an easy breath stuck in while moving on to upper divs - basically a breather course that doesn’t need much work. I heard study groups help too, and there were a few people that were trying to put one together for the last ESPM midterm, so you could check that out too. There will also be a lot more people on campus, so you should be able to find people to study with next sem. From what I gather, upper divs really aren’t that much harder - especially since they will probably be things you like doing.</p>
<p>haha and I’m in ESPM 2 too…weird…small class, so we probably have seen each other before. Yeah, I have heard some bad things about art history…have you tried talking to your professor? All the ones I’ve talked to have been incredibly lenient and helpful (the only one I couldn’t talk to was ESPM, so I’m not sure how she is). Technically speaking we’ve only had 15% inputted for ESPM, plus 25% for the midterm (which hasn’t been returned), so if you get high enough, maybe you could talk to them about it?</p>
<p>I wouldn’t p/np if I were you, simply because to anyone looking at your transcript, it’s as good as a C, you know?..If you know you can pull off a B for sure, I’d say just keep it, and see if you end up doing better than you think, or just try to be a beast and get all A’s later…but then again, I’m a freshman too, so that’s just my two cents :/</p>