Haas Section II Application - When is it sent out?

<p>Haas website states that portion II of the application process (additional essays, resume template, and SAR) will be sent out early January. Is anyone familiar when Haas will send this out? Has anyone received an email from Haas yet?</p>


<p>I just got it today.</p>

<p>thanks…i got it too.</p>

<p>I just got mine too!!! Good luck ppl. FYI i found this today: [The</a> Haas Undergrad Experience - Telling it How it is](<a href=“http://haasexposed.blogspot.com/]The”>http://haasexposed.blogspot.com/)
I guess its a little too late to be of much help though. Hope to see you guys at haas.</p>


<p>Is the application in addition to the Berkeley app that everyone got on the 5th?</p>

<p>Only if you applied to Haas.</p>

<p>hrmm…i havent gotten anything from Haas.</p>

<p>I got an email from Berkeley with a link to myapplication where I have to update major pre-reqs, a resume, an essay question, and work-in-progress. Should I have gotten something in addition to that?</p>

<p>Nope - that’s all you will get.</p>

<p>rgr thanks</p>