<p>This is the second time in a year that social security numbers, credit card numbers, etc. This time, information from as far back as 1996 could've been compromised. Now they are "revamping" their security. What a joke. I for one am glad that I mistakenly gave the wrong social, but sorely regret applying to a school that I knew couldn't keep my information safe just by looking through the application websites.</p>
<p>Wow, I’d expect this to be a bigger deal since many people on this board might have their information compromised. Does no one else think it’s completely inexcusable for a state flagship like UF to be hacked like this TWICE?</p>
<p>The dental records rumor is false. While the university does not think there is a large chance that confidential information was recovered by the hacker, they are airing on the side of caution by giving everyone a heads up to let their credit companies know. </p>
<p>Apparently, this is the 3rd hack into our system in the Fall alone. However, most other schools are hacked 7-8 times per semester. You can find more info here: <a href=“http://www.privacy.ufl.edu%5B/url%5D”>www.privacy.ufl.edu</a></p>