<p>I really question if there is anything wrong though it certainly has that appearance. At the school my son will attend, we sent a housing deposit months ago, but he does not have to commit until June 1. There is not another deposit due that I can see (please let me be right). </p>
<p>Every school has different rules. On CC, the mind set is that the multiple deposit must be using some poor wait-list kid’s spot when in fact the schools involved may have lots of space available.</p>
<p>Classof2015 – it was worse than shears – it was hair color!</p>
<p>I agree with mythmom that her profession doesn’t matter; it was simply where I was when she told me. I was far more taken aback by the notion that this was endorsed by the school counselor. From the mom’s description, all the schools are financially feasible, and the daughter is just dithering. Given the schools involved, I’m guessing that she leaned about all the acceptances not much later than February.</p>
<p>Coincidentally, I was about to start a thread and ask for advice about tipping the hairdresser. I rarely get my hair cut professionally, and even more rarely have any other stuff done to it, so I’m always in a quandary about what the standard amount should be. I usually assume 20%…is that right? And while I’m at it, how about manicurists?</p>
<p>MDmom, you kiddo should have gotten something in their acceptance packet to indicate they would be attending the college. In your student’s case, maybe that IS the housing deposit, but at most schools it isn’t.</p>
<p>I was never made aware during my application process that this wasn’t allowed… I didn’t do it, because I’d made my decision in February, but none of the paperwork said we couldn’t and my HS would send out as many transcripts as I asked for… maybe it’s just because I went to a big school and there were like 1200 people in my graduating class, but I don’t think they were monitoring these kinds of things. I could easily see someone doing this not knowing that it isn’t allowed… in fact, I am not sure that it ISN’T allowed. It sounds like there may be a common app stipulation, but obviously not all schools are on the common app.</p>
<p>Consolation (and apologies to others for this digression): I do 20% for hairdresser, and anywhere from $2-$5 tip for the shampoo girl (depending on how many times I have to go back to the sink)…</p>
<p>arabrab – you did the right thing – she might have striped you!</p>
<p>Sometimes there ARE consequences to double-depositing.</p>
<p>In June, several years ago, I was with the Director of Admissions at a school just under HYPS-level when his/her assistant called with the news that they discovered one of their incoming freshmen had also deposited at a HYPS school. After a brief discussion, it was decided that the young man’s acceptance to my friend’s school would be rescinded. I have no idea what the HYPS school did.</p>
<p>*we couldn’t and my HS would send out as many transcripts as I asked for… *</p>
<p>I don’t think that would catch it. Everyone sends out lots of application transcripts and mid-year transcripts. </p>
<p>Yes, if someone asked the school in June to send out 2-3 FINAL transcripts then a red flag would raise. But, in most cased, the child would have selected by that point, and only one Final transcript would be requested. People aren’t sending out transcripts for deposits.</p>
<p>Just heard that a classmate of a co-worker’s daughter triple deposited because he couldn’t make a decision. Nice parental enabling! </p>
<p>I know a girl who did not get into any of her top choices and is having difficulty deciding where to deposit (while hoping she gets off of waitlists). Her dad called a couple of the schools to ask whether May 1 is a drop dead date for them and was told by both schools that there was a little wiggle room.</p>
<p>I know someone who owns a small chain of hairdressing salons (and started out as a hairdresser himself) who owns a $3 mm home in Boca Raton and lives quite a luxurious lifestyle!</p>