Half-URM: same advantage as full URM?

<p>Hey guys. I'm a half-Hispanic, half-Middle Eastern male. (My mother is 100% Venezuelan, my father is 100% Syrian). I was born and raised in the United States, but I am fluent in both Spanish and Arabic, and have visited both of my parents' countries before.</p>

<p>My question is simple: does being a half-URM have the same advantage as being a full URM? I know I'm only 50%, but I was told I would have the same advantage as other full Latinos, particularly because I am fluent in Spanish.</p>

<p>I am applying to Yale (SCEA), Stanford, Brown, Harvard, Rice, and LSU.</p>

<p>Please help if you can. :)</p>

<p>You will be considered along with all other Hispanic applicants. There are likely several other factors that will have more impact on the amount of ‘advantage’ you will receive than the fact that you are half Hipanic. See some of my comments here: </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/931488-ivy-league-admissions-nhrps.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/931488-ivy-league-admissions-nhrps.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>entomom- Thanks for the response. I read your post, and I have another question:</p>

<p>I’m middle class (income bracket = ~75K), but I attend a poor school with a large dropout rate (65%). I attend this school for the very small gifted program that offers the only AP classes in my region. Outside the gifted program, the academics are very poor. Will I be considered a disadvantaged Hispanic with this criteria?</p>

<p>That’s hard to predict as it seems like there are two contradictory things going on at your HS. On the one hand it might be considered an underserved HS with a high dropout rate, but on the other it has the special program that you participate in. Your school will send in their profile describing various academic and SES aspects, but honestly I’m not sure how adcoms will perceive it overall. But there’s really nothing you can do about it, and I don’t think it’s a big enough factor to change anything about your college admissions process.</p>

<p>Alright. Thanks for the input.</p>

<p>OMG!!! i can speak some arabic too!!! I’m part yemeni (arab) lol…</p>

<p>I have a friend that’s half syrian!! and i have tons of lebanese friends (close enough you guys look the same lol). [and a lot of arab ppl look straight up latino].</p>

<p>just put down hispanic on your app :)</p>

<p>eastafrobeauty - You’re awesome. Haha. And yes, I’m putting hispanic! I’m putting 50% Venezuelan, 50% Syrian. That’s cool that you know a bunch! I have a Hispanic community and an Arab community in my town… I love being so multi-ethnic :smiley: lol.</p>

<p>If both ethnicities have contributed to your experiences and your identity as a person, then by all means, put those things down :-)</p>

<p>Haha actually IBfootballer, I wrote this really great essay about how complex my identity is (I’m Arabic and Hispanic, I speak Arabic and Spanish, I’m a Muslim, I live in America, I have family on four continents) and how that correlates with my life and the decisions I’ve made up to this point. I really like it, I might use it as my CommonApp one.</p>

<p>aaah! that’s so cool! I’m Muslim too (even it wasn’t obvious already) but i thought there was a chance you might have been christian since in Syria & Lebanon it’s like 50% muslim 50% christian (or something like that). I also have a lot of Egyptian & Palestinian friends as well.</p>

<p>My dad and a good portion of my family know how to speak arabic fluently. But I used to live in the U.A.E. [i’m actually leaving to there tonight to Dubai :)] for almost my entire life but my arabic still sucks…haha. But it’s always improving since I still take Qur’an classes at the local madarasa (kinda forced…lmao) so it helps since I also take arabic and improve my grammar + vocab.</p>

<p>It’s nice knowing other muslim CCer’s living here in AMRIKKA.</p>

<p>I was thinking about writing my essay about being Black + Muslim in America +my experiences abroad and blah blah blah…but i’m still not sure :/</p>

<p>okay…good luck!!! and i hope you’ll get into good places!!! :). Especially Yale since it’s the only ivy that i actually like (but would never be able to get into :() and my cousin’s going there in the fall :D</p>

<p>Haha “amrikka”!</p>

<p>You should definitely make that an essay.</p>

<p>And my family isn’t really that religious haha. I don’t pray five times a day or anything. But yeah, we actually stopped in Dubai on our way to Syria two summers ago.</p>

<p>Thanks, I hope I get into Yale too :stuck_out_tongue:
Haha good luck!</p>

<p>lol!!! I will try my best to :slight_smile: I just remembered that one of my aunts + cousins moved to syria for a while from Maryland so they could become more ‘religious’.</p>

<p>I am not looking forward to going to Dubai later:/</p>

<p>wallahi that’s haram…LAYSHHH!!! jk :slight_smile: No, but seriously you should start praying 5 times a day [it’s hard to pray during the school year :/] and read as much Quran as you can. There’s no point really in chasing after in what’s in this dunya…at least try to turn over a new leaf since Ramadan is coming up soon (Aug 11) :slight_smile: I’m not even a hijabi though (i wish i could but perhaps after freshman yr of college).</p>

<p>My Dad isn’t religious but my mother is EXTREMELY religious…every single thing that comes out of her mouth is related to Islam e.g. “uffff you get up for debate but not for fajr? shame on u!! ya haram!!” hahahah…but she’s a little bit on the crazy side.</p>

<p>Inshallah you’ll get in. good luck again :)</p>

<p>Just check off hispanic. Middle eastern has no advantage.</p>



<p>Hispanic refers to ethnicity, while Middle Eastern refers to race (under White). Ethnicity and race are two separate questions on college applications. One can be Hispanic and of ANY race(s). The OP can answer Hispanic for ethnicity and then White and any other races that apply. </p>

<p>The race(s) the OP indicates will not detract from their standing as a Hispanic.</p>